Yumeko looked to her digivice. One of the folders on it lit up and it was labeled, "Warp Points." The girl opened it up seeing two options. "Tamer's Bureau" and "Fractal Forest - Agumon Village." She clicked the Agumon Village one assuming that was right. [color=tan]"Yea, Candlemon's probably right. Impmon seems to have that kind of luck."[/color] The group walked over to the area where they came in. After looking around a second, one of the tamers would have noticed a weird metal pad. There was a sign that said "Digital Gate - Warp Point." Yumeko could only assume that was where they were suppose to go. She figured she'd go first. [color=yellow]"Ohhhhhhh, look. I think this might be what their talking about. Vivian, Rachel, let's try it!"[/color] [color=tan]"It's not going anywhere!" Tinkermon complained, being thrown off of Yumeko's shoulder as the Japanese girl started to run a bit. [color=tan]"Calm it!"[/color] Yumeko stoop on the odd metal panel. Some odd metal contrations jutted out of the ground around and surrounded Yumeko on the pad. [b]"New Tamer, Identified."[/b] A digital, robotic feminine voice said. [b]"Press desired location on your digivice, and then press confirm."[/b] The Japanese Tamer looked around with a slight bit of surprise. [color=yellow]"Uhhhh, o-ok."[/color] She said as she looked back to her digivice. [color=yellow]"Ano. . . Fractal Forest. . . And press. . . Confirm. . . There."[/color] With confirm pressed, a weird light covered Yumeko and her partner that caught up with her. Soon enough, a weird scanning bar went over them and made them disappear. _______________________________________ Yumeko appeared on the otherside, with the other two following her. She looked over her body, curious. [b]"Oh, you're finally here."[/b] A somewhat familiar voice said. The voice was similar sure, but where it came from was unfamiliar to the group. [img]https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/e/e6/Arukenimon_%28Human%29_t.gif/revision/latest?cb=20110814060446[/img] [b]"I've been waiting here. I thought that lizard and flower would never send you."[/b] The woman said, crossing her arms with a smile. She obviously seemed familiar with the group as she looked each person in the eyes. . . At least, it seemed that way through the sunglasses. Behind her were a few small buildings, big enough for just a small digimon or two each. There were more even further back. It was easily a village of sorts.