[@Plank Sinatra][@Ayazi][@Silvan Haven][@HereComesTheSnow][@Write] [b]0.75 Mindaro[/b] "[color=66cd00]Papa, mama, please stop your reckless enabling of Venetia's ego,[/color]" interrupted a cool and detached voice from the doorway. "[color=66cd00]Elle a déjà une haute opinion d'elle-même. It really doesn't need to be any larger.[/color]" Gratia Mindaro stepped past the threshold that divided the VGNB dormitory from the hallway, hands enveloped deeply within the pockets of her chartreuse winter coat. Her impassive gaze surveyed the room, dispassionate ebon eyes taking in all that was before her. With the exception of the intruders, the space was essentially unchanged from its appearance earlier in the morning. That was of no import to her whatsoever. Even Piper's unexpected presence, if he were to prove to be a threat once more, was unimportant to her immediate goals. Interrogation could wait. Her attention slid past him with the same clinical indifference she afforded to the unknown woman that was likely an associate of the Faunus girl's and the ruffled, unwise fashion choices of her team leader, lingering only for the barest of milliseconds on Vega Venetia's appearance before her eyes reached their target. "[color=66cd00]You've been making yourselves at home,[/color]" she spoke, something flickering in her composed tone. "[color=66cd00]Is my room that interesting?[/color]" Valentinian was the first to respond, a large smile finding its way onto his face as his own steely eyes met those of his firstborn daughter. "[color=ADFF2F]Bien sûr![/color]" he exclaimed, happiness evident in his voice. "[color=ADFF2F]We wanted to know if you've been taking care of yourself![/color]" "[color=66cd00]Not much faith you have in me, Papa.[/color]" "[color=9ACD32]You're aware he didn't mean that,[/color]" Severa Mindaro added, her giggles ringing like chimes from beside her husband. "[color=9ACD32]Although, we [i]are[/i] concerned about that strange straw-haired doll; is it representative of anyone you l-[/color]" "[color=66cd00]Fuck no![/color]" was the immediate protest. Valentinian coughed, holding out a hand. Gratia threw a lien coin his way. "[color=66cd00]Definitely not,[/color]" she amended, hands returning to her pocket as vehement denial creeped into her words. "[color=66cd00]The doll doesn't represent anything like that. And that's [b]final[/b].[/color]" Her parents stared at her for a second. She refused to budge under their questioning gazes. They stared harder. Gratia Mindaro couldn't help but smile. "[color=66cd00]I've missed you![/color]" she cried out joyfully as she stepped forth to pull her parents into a hug, their warmth pressing against her. They smelled of home. "[color=66cd00]I was worried you wouldn't be able to come![/color]" "[color=ADFF2F]Tu nous a manqué aussi, Gratia,[/color]" said Valentinian, softly ruffling her hair. "[color=ADFF2F]Did you think we'd ditch a chance to visit our girl?[/color]" "[color=9ACD32]He was very intent on counting down the days to our visit,[/color]" agreed the Mindaro matriarch in a mischevous tone, kissing her daughter's cheek. "[color=9ACD32]Some days he couldn't even sleep![/color]" "[color=ADFF2F]Dear, you promised not to tell![/color]" Gratia giggled at the protestation on her father's face. Bubbles of happiness were rising inside of her. She had truly, truly missed them.