[center] As the grenade clattered onto the ground like the dice of fate, smiley for one brief moment pouted his lips into a kiss just for death before he quickly sprung his head forth in a compelled shot from his body, stretching out like a slinky just in time for the tip of his head to be on the edge of the explosion. A large blob of black tar rolled into the shadowed corner of the car park, letting out something resembling a scream mixed with gargle choking. His lower body had been detached and burned like oil in the corpse of the car. [i]"ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" [/i] He screamed, his throat had been mutilated not by the injury but by pain, an audible frustration ringing in it as the sound of bubbles in his pit popped. [i]"Enough!" [/i] He cried it with finality, stealth had been lost by agony and he rose in a flame of ink from behind smoldering plates of the car. The wiggle of his body danced like a mirage, vibrating restlessly in patterns that would easily collapse the muscles of anything natural. The charred cobra smile crawled back onto his cheek as he spat his skull forth and wrapped his jaws around a car wheel and quickly swung it forth at one of the scouts. He sprang around like a curved whip with his teeth torn open in a gaping wound to swallow him from the top down at the second scout. The inky residue had slowly started to become more still as the seconds went on, his legs running after his own head as engaged in the enemy before him.[/center] [@Lugubrious](please excuse the messiness. I had to quick and dirty edit this due to my pick up arriving suddenly)