Jaque the Ripper? First time Luna has even heard that name, but from the sound of it he was a really dangerous character. [color=f49ac2]"Thanks for the help, by the way. Duty calls."[/color] Rin headed off to speak with the captain about this murder, listening in on the conversation, Rin was a much more serious character than Luna first thought. Here she was escorting a lost and confused Sheikah and now the man was acting like a serious and cunning detective, quite the act. This Jaque person though, what could come out of murdering innocent civilians? A personal vendetta? A grudge? Or just an overall thirst for violence and blood? She wasn't a detective so Luna wasn't the one to know, but this case has certainly peaked her interest. Once Rin had slipped into the house, Luna would sneak past the guard and enter the house herself. What good is there in traveling if you don't have some fun every so often?