The bug Queen's body went limp as Alvios' blade struck her eye socket and dug into her brain. Jenso's feats also appeared successful. The bug general spun around as quickly as he could and rose his blade to defend, but was knocked off his feet straight afterwards, and obliterated as the ground beneath its head crumbled beneath the blow of Jenso's attack. The swarmlings ceased their spawning, and the cave grew quiet. But just as their victory was assured, several swarmlings carried something into the room. A body, wrapped in seaweed. Why weren't the swarmlings dead? What the hell was going on? Suddenly, the Queen's body ruptured, and released another humanoid entity. It jumped up and landed on a higher ledge, where the first bug general had first introduced himself. It was a woman. An all-too familiar woman. Her torso bared a giant scar, as if she'd been cleaved in twain at some point, but her face was as vivid and beautiful as ever. "Justice?" The woman said, in a softer voice that crept across the room like a fetid memory, caressing the scar across her stomach. Jenso would find familiarity in her face as well, albeit subtle. Cilia glared at Alvios and narrowed her eyes. "Is this... Justice?" [center][hr] [h1]~ End Of Chapter 114 ~[/h1][/center]