Vince was navigating through the bustling market of Alvaria, in search of lunch. He made his way down the street at a steady pace, weaving in and out of the people. His senses were roused by one thing in particular: the smell of freshly baked loaves from the bakery, just down the street. Vince stood still, letting the divine smell permeate through him. He walked over to alley next to the bakery, the smell becoming more intense, and jumped over the rusty gate with the agility of a leopard. Vince approached the bakery’s back door and pressed his ear against it, listening for activity within the shop. “Ah, nothing,” he whispered. As he opened the door, he heard a voice — a young voice — from another room. “That must be Alek Tanner, the ‘kid’ who runs the bakery,” Vince told himself. Hurrying himself, he slunk over to the glowing oven and took some bread from the cooling tray above it. As he was cramming the loaves into his satchel, he spotted a stack of gold pieces on the shelf; he grabbed them, too.