Good luck with this RP guys! I just recently got back into pro wrestling with Lucha Underground on Netflix, but nobody was feeling an RP that segued from pro wrestling into masked vigilantism after a gangwar engulfs a town. I wrestled in school for seven years, did the indie circuit in my region for about a month with a friend. He stuck with it and still does it I think, I used to design all of his ring attire. One of his acquaintances made it big in Japan who I never cared for, and I think my boy made that 500 list once or twice. My mom's cousin is the brown haired guy from the Rock N' Roll Express, and the guy that got me into wrestling as a kid was named Ron Wright who trained both Macho Man and Jerry the King Lawler. Only pros I've met have been the guys who wrestled in my friends circuit... Dustin Rhodes [he couldn't use the name Goldust LOL], Jon Heidenreich, Buff Bagwell [who's a COMPLETE d-bag in person], and of course my mom's cousin. I met the Road Warriors back in the 80's when I was knee high and pissed myself when they walked up on me and my mom in a parking lot LOL Actually, with all this typing... you guys have any more room? I REALLY wanted to play a luchador... ~KL~