[i]2190 AD. On a routine exploration mission, science vessel FMM UV discovered a planet with a suitable climate for humankind. During the initial scouting expedition this young planet, code-named FMM UV-32, was declared inhospitable for colony life due to its unstable terrain and immense population of prehistoric reptiles. News of this amazing planet spread and articles on the "Dinosaur Planet" lead an earth corporation to purchase the rights to the planet, and create DinoHunt Corp. DinoHunt created the unique opportunity for paying customers to become dinosaur hunters for the first time in 50 million years. However, very little is still known about the Dinosaur planet and thus the company has only accepted a handful of applicants alongside a team of scientists and a squad of their best agents to explore and "Beta Test" the soon to be hunting grounds. [/i] (Choose a class) [hider= Hunter] [i]You are one of the newest clients of DinoHunt Corp. and are tiered of the big game on earth. The moment you heard that the company was looking to hire some one brave (or foolish) enough to set foot on the dinosaur planet, you signed up without any hesitation. Since Dinosaurs are often regarded to be the most powerful creatures ever to evolve on earth, hunting them would definitely be a step up from your usual prey. You are now on a star-ship on route to the dinosaur planet, prepare for the chance of a life time.[/i] [/hider] [hider= Scientist] [i]You are one of the scientists hired by DinoHunt Corp. With the discovery of a planet with creatures with the uncanny appearance of the long extinct dinosaurs, you have been eager to plan a trip to the planet your self. However, such a trip without any business affiliation costs money... money you do not have at the moment. However, DinoHunt Corp. took notice in your respective scientific field and offered you a position on the expedition. With no other options and with your curiosity driving you into madness, you agreed to their terms and are now on a star-ship on it's way to FMM UV-32.[/i] [/hider] [hider= Agent] [i]You are one of DinoHunt Corp.'s most elite operatives, and it is in your hands whether or not this mission is a success. This will be your first assignment in a while, and what many would consider "Your first REAL mission", so failure is not your best option. Your Employers have given you full use use the Star-ship known as "The Red Falconier", and are one of the members of the crew. With your advanced training and survival skills, this trip to the dinosaur planet will be a great way to challenge your expertise. Your employers have given you a code name based of a raptor, do not disappoint them.[/i] [/hider] As you might have guessed, this RP is based on the Carnivores Franchise ([url]http://carnivores.wikia.com/wiki/Carnivores_Wiki[/url]). And with the Mobile version making it's triumphant return to PC later this spring, I thought I would celebrate by crating an RP of one of the games I played excessively in my life (hell I still am in some respects). This game takes place JUST before the first game (hence the exploration team), but will be covering maps from the first, second, and third games... as well as ones from fan made games such as Carnivores Triassic and Mandibles, Because why not? That said, let's get to the rules and the Character Sheets. Rules: 1. You have the option of playing as the following... A Hunter, A Scientist, or An Agent 2. you may have 3 characters, no more than that 3. Yes, you can play as all 3 classes 4. No explosive weapons for anyone 5. No X-Rifle for any one 6. No go modding, you are human now. 7. No, you cannot have a pet dinosaur (yet) 8. All equipment (Save for that what has a ban on it) is fair game. but Cityscape weapons are for AGENTS ONLY 9. No Ridiculous or unrealistic weapons for hunters (Such as mini guns and energy weapons) 10. No energy weapons, PERIOD. 11. No, you cant play as a dinosaur (stand by for my next RP for that) 12. Yes, Fan dinosaurs will be encountered. (That being dinosaurs not in the lore of Carnivores, such as the creatures found in the fan games mentioned earlier) 13. Adult language and themes will be implied, this is your only fucking warning 14. Fave fun, you are hunting dinosaurs after all Character Sheets [hider= Hunter] Name: (Obvious, first and last) Age: (18 Minimum) Gender: M or F Nationality: (where are you from?) Side-Arm: (What is your side arm weapon? Hand guns only) Primary Weapon: (What is your primary weapon?) Secondary Weapon: (What is your secondary weapon?) Bio: (background information) Other: (Other tid bits go here) [/hider] [hider= Scientist] Name: (Obvious, first and last) Age: (18 Minimum) Gender: M or F Nationality: (where are you from?) Major: (What is your primary field of study?) Minor: (What is your secondary field of study?) Bio: (background information) Other: (Other tid bits go here) [/hider] [hider= Agent] Code Name: (What is your code name? MUST BE BASED OFF A RAPTOR) [Examples: Nychus, Veloci, Pyro] Age: (18 Minimum) Gender: M or F Nationality: (where are you from?) Specialty: (What do you specialize in? What do you bring to the team?) Side-Arm: (What is your side arm weapon? Hand guns only) Primary Weapon: (What is your primary weapon?) Secondary Weapon: (What is your secondary weapon?) Bio: (background information) Other: (Other tid bits go here) [/hider] My characters [hider= Hunter Casandra] Name: Casandra Brigett Age: 24 Gender: F Nationality: America Side-Arm: 3576 Revolver Pistol (Revolver) Primary Weapon: 12 gauge buckshot (shotgun) Secondary Weapon: 10 gauge double barrel (Double barrel shotgun) Bio: Casandra is a well known game hunter, taking down countless of dangerous predators and other powerful animals on earth. So it goes without saying that she was getting bored of Lions and Rhinoceros, almost to the point where she gave up hunting altogether. However, when she got word of a big-shot company was opening a hunting reserve of DINOSAURS she nearly lost her shit. She was simply ecstatic at the very thought of hunting creatures that haven't been seen on earth for millions of years, and made sure that she was to be one of the first hunters to set foot on FMM UV-32. Now on her way to the dinosaur planet, Casandra has made it her mission to bag every creature that DinoHunt Corp. will allow to be hunt able. Other: She's gay [/hider] [hider= Scientist Maria] Name: Maria Whells Age: 26 Gender: F Nationality: England Major: Zoology Minor: Archaeology Bio: Maria has always felt her career as a Zoologist was lackluster at best, much of the known world has already been considered to be "Old News" and the field of Archaeology was even more so at this point. Finding work was hard, Often times she was only acting as a college instructor for Oxford. But when discovery of FMM UV-32 was made public AND when DinoHunt Corp. announced they were hiring for an expedition to explore the planet, she simply HAD to sign her self up to set off to the dinosaur planet. The organisms that lived they may not be exactly like the dinosaurs that when extinct on earth, but they were definitely a close second to them. Who knows, maybe this new world will hose an iteration of her favorite dinosaur, the velociraptor. Other: She is rather timid, and mild natured [/hider] [hider=Agent Utah] Code Name: Utah Age: [CLASSIFIED] (looks 20) Gender: M Nationality: [CLASSIFIED] Specialty: Squad Leader Side-Arm: Desert Eagle (Pistol) Primary Weapon: F153 (Heavy Sniper Rifle) Secondary Weapon: C2 Rifle (Carnivores 2 Weapon) Bio: Agent Utah was given a code name after the largest species of raptor on earth, and based on how tall and muscular he is it's a fitting choice. He is a bit serious and can be demanding at times, however DinoHunt Corp. put him in charge for a reason. That being his fantastic Track Record in the field before The company bought the planet. He doesn't like to talk much about his past to anyone (Save for some of the other agents), and often dose what he can to avoid it. What happened to him back the, he seems to be happy that he is even on this mission... As happy as some one as serious as he is can look at least. Other: He can be very blunt at times. [/hider]