Krysanthia had taken wing shortly after speaking with her master, she needed time to ponder what he had said. Whatever she decided to do next would change her life forever. She was loath to simply do nothing and wait but at the same time the idea of venturing out into the oft dangerous lands beyond the city alone and with no clear plan was terrifying. Muggers you could maybe talk down or fly away from but there was far worse than that beyond the city. Anaria had taught her much about defending herself in a life or death situation but Krysanthia had never drawn blood before, never faced a foe she may have to kill in order to save her own life, and she hoped she would never have to. On the other hand how safe was the city, really? She had heard the talk among the other citizens about the recent and horrific murders, among the usual crime the poor guards had enough difficulty dealing with. Anaria had made it clear she felt something was amiss in Hyrule, and the Gerudo swordswoman's instincts were rarely wrong. Krysanthia wished her friend were still here, she could really use her advice right now, nevermind the overwhelming sense of loneliness she felt at the moment. krysanthia had apparently been lost in thought for some time, flying aimlessly through the city. A nearby tournament and the cheering of crowds snapped her out of her thoughts and she realized she badly needed to rest, such was the toll that came with the advantage of flight. But the crowd was so thick here she could not see a patch of ground suitable enough, and it was terribly rude to land on someone's roof without permission. Flying in lower she tried to politely ask for space to land but to no avail, the noise was too much for her to be heard. A sudden flourish of movement in the tournament grounds itself had her distracted then and she looked to see a mighty looking armored Goron over a crumpled opponent, alive but clearly hurt. It was baffling how the annual tournament was considered a festival, it was bad enough when someone made a mistake and got hurt at the military training yards, but these battles sometimes ended with a fighter permanently maimed, or far worse. The moment of distraction cost her as her wing tip smacked into one of the spectators heads resulting in some colorful curses. All at once Krysanthia realized she had lost far too much speed and height and panicked. A nearby table offered her only hope at not crashing into anyone but she failed to make it work and slipped right off the edge as gravity fully took hold and she tumbled into several people. Pain flared up her leg as she hit the edge of the table on her way down and many people cried out in surprise and anger. Krysanthia scrambled to her knees apologizing fervently to everyone, thoroughly ashamed of herself. Resting an arm on the same table she had hit she assessed the damage while continuing her apologies. Nothing was broken, thankfully, but there was going to be a terrible bruise. Then she realized she was staring at a table full of food, the smell of which all at once reminded her of the energy she had wasted on her aimlessness. Unfortunately she had also scattered and smeared some of it as she crashed, and on top of it all her clothes were now ruined and she doubted things could get worse than this. That was when she spotted what had to be the cook from the expression on her face and the puffiness of the other startled Rito. The cook looked like a pleasant enough individual at first glance, mostly just startled at the moment, but Krysanthia had just ruined some of her stock and the visiting merchant was surely not going to be pleased to hear Krysanthia could not pay for the damage. [b]"I am so sorry! I- I- "[/b] She stammered and snapped her beak shut when her words transformed into senseless squeaking.