[quote=@FlitterFaux] Welcome ^_^ This site has been up since I was a wee lass (OK maybe not that long) In any case I'd be surprised if RPG suddenly died out so I think you're in the right place :3 [/quote] Thanks! ^.^ [quote=@Aiguo] [@Silvy] Salutations! Welcome to RPG. I am not an old member myself (in fact, I am quite new to this site), but it is very active here, so no worries on that. I hope you enjoy roleplaying here. (also, is that a Hamilton reference I spy?) [/quote] Hello! [s]No, toootally not. Because the sound track is soooo tooootalllly hooorrrribllleee lol jk I'm freaking addicted to the soundtrack. Never saw the play but the soundtrack is great.[/s]