[center] [h1]Evacuation Preperation[/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/n1b6iEd.png[/img] [img]http://i65.tinypic.com/21o8tg4.png[/img] [IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/2lsi06d.jpg[/IMG] [img]http://i68.tinypic.com/2yorfye.jpg[/img] [h2][color f7976a]Lawrence[/color] | [color 33ec06]Marcus[/color] | [color f7976a]Savanna[/color] | [color BD892F]Sophia[/color][/h2] [hr][color=silver]𝕄: 𝕊𝕖𝕡𝕥. 𝟙𝟜, 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘 / / 𝕎𝕚𝕚𝕤𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕕, 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕪𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕕 / / 𝕋𝕠𝕨𝕟 / / ~𝟙𝟟𝟘𝟘[/color][hr] [sub]Collab with [@VampireOracle], [@Chasers115] and [@Baklava] I think? But maybe also [@January] and [@banjoanjo]?[/sub][/center] By the time the little group had separated and gone their seperate ways, it seemed that the rest of the teams had been doing the same thing. Everyone was starting to move towards their designated locations, which meant he needed to find the rest of his team and start heading for the APC. According to the map, it wasn't too far off - it shouldn't take too long to get to, but maybe they'd have enough time to talk powers and strategy. Not that there was any strategy besides watch for people and carry them into the truck, but it'd be nice to have all the bases covered. "[color 33ec06]Evac team![/color]" he said, raising his voice just enough to carry over the few people that were still milling around. He was cautious to not shout, lest they immediately be swarmed by some hidden monsters the advance team had missed. He did wave his arm, hoping that the rest of the team would start heading his direction. He was looking for three other people: Lawrence, Sophia, and Savannah, and he had no idea what any of them looked like. Hopefully they hadn't already started walking towards the APC, or he'd just be standing here waiting for people that were already gone. Sophia hadn't moved far from the truck since they had arrived, pretty unsure about... everything. She still had no idea who Lawrence and Marcus were, but she lifted her gaze from the ground in front of her and scanned the area around her for them anyway. She regretted it doing so. Her surroundings were absolutely dismal and didn't help with the fear already gathered in a thick knot inside of her. After her initial glance around the area upon arriving, she was trying her best not to look around too much. She was so scared. The way she showed her fear didn't make it immediately apparent to someone who would just glance at her. Her arms were tightly crossed, and her back was straight as she kept herself drawn up to her full height. Her face, including her eyes, were blank, her face in her neutral position that resembled a slight frown as she concentrated her attention not on her outer appearance, but on controlling how she felt. But it still wasn't too hard to tell. She knew she needed to get moving, and soon, though she was tempted to just stand in place and wait for someone to approach her instead. Since she didn't know who half of her team was, should she just head off alone and hope that they would all meet up at the assigned spot? Forcing herself to look up once more, she was about to begin looking around for Savannah when a call, along with a waving arm, caught her attention. One of the students from the Evac team? Relieved, she headed over to the boy until she stood diagonally in front of him, arms still crossed as she gave him a small nod. Lawrence or Marcus? Did she trust herself to speak? But it would be weird if she didn't say anything, so she didn't really have a choice, did she? [color=BD892F]"I'm Sophia."[/color] A whisper of a voice, but at least she had managed to speak. That was good, right? Hah. Had it even been audible? A taller student came up to them soon after Marcus's shout, his gait disturbingly calm despite the ruin around them. [color f7976a]"Lawrence,"[/color] he replied, checking the map on his phone like he was simply out for a walk through town. His other hand was occupied with a shotgun and a pistol hung from his belt holster on one side while a knife was comfortably sheathed on the other. Invisible to the group, a flare gun sat nestled in his jacket's inner pocket, making the comfortable, broken-in leather bulge slightly around his ribs. Behind him, a small blonde girl followed, face pulled into a scowl that didn't quell her shaking hands. [color f7976a]"This is so stupid,"[/color] she muttered, the attempt at anger giving way to fear. She had taken a bit of time in Ground Zero to sate her Stigma, because every other X seemed to be doing it, but now she regretted not having that veneer of fury to hide behind--to wash the world red so she couldn't see all the details of the reality in front of her. A glance at Sophia and a quick wave was the friendliest she could manage at the moment, caught between terror of the unknown and terror of a "kill on sight" order. [color f7976a]"Let's just get going already. I hate this."[/color] "[color 33ec06]Marcus.[/color]" he greeted, nearly missing Sophia's name. She was probably just nervous, and he couldn't exactly blame her: two of the members on their team, Sophia included, looked to be no older than middle schoolers, and they'd been thrown into the middle of a warzone. At least the other one seemed a little more capable, especially with the shotgun he was toting around. Good to know that he wasn't the only one with a decent weapon. "[color 33ec06]I hear you.[/color]" Marcus said, responding to the blonde girl's comment. "[color 33ec06]Might as well talk while we walk.[/color] he added, turning and doing just that. He made sure to keep his pace so that he was in line with everyone, unwilling to walk first; or perhaps just not wanting to seem like the unofficial leader of the group. Heavens knew he wasn't qualified to lead anybody. "[color 33ec06]So what're you guy's powers?[/color]" A strategic question as much as it was an attempt at small talk as they moved to their destination. "[color 33ec06]I'm mobility. I can instantly move forward, or jump back a little bit to where I was previously.[/color]" That was about the best explanation of it. He'd internally debated adressing it as a rewind, but that kind of nomenclature was more confusing than anything. Best to keep it simple. "[color=f7976a]Mind influence,[/color]" Lawrence answered, "[color=f7976a]More specifically, I can align the mental state of others with my own. Sometimes works on DC monsters. Generally used for calming subnaturals, though.[/color]" Savannah twisted the baton in her hands as she spoke, "[color=f7976a]My power only works on spell casters. I put a mark on them and they explode when they cast a spell and it takes a long ass time to recharge. And it's like five minutes.[/color]" At least Sophia had already thought about how she would tell what her power was, so it wasn't as difficult as it could have been. Still, she went last and used those extra seconds while the others were speaking to run over what she would say once more, barely catching what Lawrence and Savannah could do. [color=BD892F]"Mine's related to seeing... in different ways,"[/color] she began when the rest were finished, raising her voice so that it was louder than before. [color=BD892F]"I can use... well, X-ray vision, but it's kind of weak? Then there's also night and 360 vision too. But it only lasts for around ten, then takes five until I can use it again."[/color] Maybe she should write down the main points about her power and print out a few copies so she could hand those out instead of repeating herself everytime. Because she had a feeling that she would need to keep repeating herself more in the future. Remembering she had forgotten to say something one last thing, she hurried to add it on. [color=BD892F]"Also, I can't see living things when it's on. So like, any subtle hand motions or facial expressions... are lost on me."[/color] Or had that been too detailed? The rest had just described their powers in two sentences. Interesting setup they'd been given here. Basically a perfect team for trying to rescue panicking civilians, and a little bit of backup if they were attacked by the subnatural group that was apparently hiding around. Whoever had put together the squads had certainly put a fair amount of thought into it, something he was relieved to notice. "[color 33ec06]Well, between the four of us, we should be pretty good then.[/color]" Marcus said. He minutely jerked as he remembered something, pulling out the long bolts of armor they'd been given. He wrapped two the smaller ones around his arm as he walked, his rolled up sleeve showcasing the burns down his arm as the material flowed across his skin. "[color 33ec06]I'd suit up now if I were you guys, just in case.[/color]" He squeezed his hands together, impressed with how well it blended, and how little he could actually tell it was there. He hiked up his shirt just enough to shimmy the larger bolt underneath and make sure he didn't cut off his holster belt, before dropping it back over the exposed skin as that bolt melted across his chest. He'd apply the legs once they'd gotten comfortable in the APC. The added protection made him feel a little bit safer, but his eyes still darted around the ruins, watching for anything that might break out of a destroyed building and rush them. Ernie's advice about them being on the outskirts and therefore being easy prey had really only served to make him slightly jumpy. "[color=f7976a]Way ahead of you,[/color]" Lawrence remarked, holding up his hand to display the barely visible layer of wishalloy. The older boy looked past the map on his phone to observe the marks on Marcus's arm, but made no comment. Nothing new. Savannah nodded at Marcus's suggestion and got to work applying the material to her own arms and legs as they walked-- over her clothes, because, despite everything, there were still boys present. Her movements were quick and angry, accompanied by several frustrated sighs before she finally watched the material settle over her dark red rain coat and denim jeans. "[color=f7976a]God [i]DAMN IT![/i][/color]" Savannah exclaimed after a moment, patting frantically at the pocket of her pants. A small canister-shaped bulge was enough to indicate she'd forgotten to remove the pepper spray from her pocket before putting on her wishalloy. Oh right, she had almost forgotten to put on the remaining wishalloy. Curious to see how it worked, Sophia had already put it over her arms and torso while riding in the truck, and it now lay hidden under her black cardigan. Though she would soon loose access to her jean pockets, at least she would have those two pockets in addition to the belt. After pulling out the material that had been shoved in her pockets, she glanced up at Marcus and, seeing the marks there, her eyebrows drew together. [color=BD892F][i]Scars on his face, burn marks on his arms. I wonder what happened,[/i][/color] she wondered before busying herself with putting on the wishalloy. Falling back a few steps from the group as she stopped to cover one leg, she hurried to catch up once more before doing the same for the other leg. She was now finished, and it seemed Savannah was as well, but with a complication. It was too bad that Savannah had forgotten to take an item out, but at least she would get it out in a few hours, if what the Commander had said was true. She considered saying something to try and make the older girl feel better about the pepper spray, but decided against it. Instead, she reached out and put a hand on Sav's shoulder. Shrugging her shoulders, she gave the girl a half smile by pulling up only one corner of her mouth and holding it for a second before finishing it into a somewhat forced, small, smile. The actions were intended to show the girl that it was okay and there was nothing she could do about the sealed in can, and the smile was supposed to be reassuring. But she didn't hold the smile for long, for a few seconds later she dropped the hand and looked away as she bit her lip hard and slid her hands into her pockets. Marcus chuckled softly to himself, having surmised what it was that the blonde girl had sealed away in her pockets. "[color 33ec06]Locked your pepper spray off, huh?[/color]" he said, snapping his off of his belt. He didn't need the spray himself; if there was anything that could be sprayed, it could just as easily be beaten over with a large hunk of hardware. He doubted that a small girl swinging a baton would have quite the same impact, so it'd serve her better than it would serve him. "[color 33ec06]Heads up![/color]" he said, lightly tossing the canister over to her. Sophia's attempt at comfort was met with only a slightly less irate stare. Savannah's shoulder flinched away from the girl's touch as she instantly took offense to Marcus's question, but she kept her mouth shut. Not even a 'thank you' as she clumsily caught the canister he offered her. She swallowed hard and ran her thumb along the metal, trying to look past the fear as they finally came to the APC. "[color=f7976a]Alright,[/color]" Lawrence said, unconcerned with Savannah's mistake as he stowed his communicater in the pocket of his jacket. "[color=f7976a]Once we get started, we'll have to move fast to best take advantage of Sophia's eyes. Most of the people we'll be evacuating will be indoors. I suggest we have Sophia scope the buildings from outside first. Then, Marcus, you can head inside and do a quick secondary check. If I'm understanding your ability correctly, you should be able to jump back out of the house if you see anything Sophia missed, right?[/color]" "[color=f7976a]Once the coast is clear, I'll join you while Savannah waits with Sophia outside as lookout. From there, we'll help get people outside and into the truck.[/color]" Nice of Marcus to give Savannah his can of pepper spray. That was something Sophia should have thought of and done, it was better than just making a bunch of motions at Sav that hadn't seemed to have any effect. Shifting her attention from Sav to the APC up ahead, she listened closely as Lawrence began to make plans for what each of them would be doing. It sounded as if it might be able to work, but then she had pretty much no experience with strategy, so she wouldn't know. At least it was [i]something[/i] to work from. Simply nodding to show she had heard and understood, she remained silent. [i][color 33ec06]Oof, tough crowd[/color][/i] Marcus thought to himself, noting the blonde girl's general irritation. He turned his attention to Lawrence as he spoke, nodding as he detailed the plan. Get in, make sure that there wasn't anything hiding inside one of the houses, and get back out if there was something hiding inside. He noted that Lawrence failed to mention what to do if there [i]was[/i] something dangerous inside the building, but he assumed the answer to that question was easily found with the shotgun he was toting around. "[color 33ec06]Sounds like a plan. Definitely be on the lookout for any landmarks or important looking buildings around here - those are the most likely places for people to have run to when everything went to hell.[/color]" Of course, a greater chance of finding civilians meant a greater chance of encountering hostile forces too. Hopefully they'd all been pushed back, though. A soldier, rifle in hand, waited by the open driver side door as the group approached the already running APC. His eyes only briefly flickered to the children as he carefully surveyed the surrounding area. "[color=f7976a]Keep an eye out for other subnaturals, too,[/color]" Lawrence warned as Savannah stepped in front of him, clambering in and taking her seat first. "[color=f7976a]They may blend in with the people we're meant to be retrieving, so don't let your guard down too easily. And let's try to make sure none of them end up on the truck.[/color]" Savannah stiffened in her seat at the mentioning of that possibility-- having hurried into the APC for the aura of safety it seemed to exude. But she said nothing, not even being given the chance as the solider urged them to hurry up and get in.