Here is my work in progress sheet (since I have not been able to work on it during this week). [hider=Rolls 27] [h3]Rolls[/h3] [b]Basic Demographics & Geography[/b] [u]Territory Size:[/u] 5. Your nation is "blessed" with a significantly larger than average amount of land. While you may have a great deal of opportunities to utilize both your ample farmlands and wilderness, your borders are hard to defend and your settlements are spread out which can impede communications. [u]Population:[/u] 8,500,000 (exceptionally large) [u]Urbanization:[/u] 3. Your nation has the typical ratio or rural folk to city dwellers: that is, there's probably about 8 or 9 in the countryside for every one in the cities. What is there to say? It takes a lot of farmers to support those craftsman and merchants in the city! [u]Government Type:[/u] 4. Your nation is ruled by one great emperor with functionally unlimited power. Beneath him is a large bureaucracy, but under this imperial system there is a meritocracy. Your magistrates and administrators have been tested and found competent; therefore, they earned their position unlike some noble that simply inherited it from his father. [u]Political Stability:[/u] 5. You enjoy the benefit of having a serene and peaceful nation. There's barely any crime and you don't have a rebellion brewing, so rejoice! [b]Economy[/b] [u]Overall Wealth:[/u] 1. Your nation is very poor. Perhaps you've been ravaged by constant war or plague, or perhaps your people lack the resources or drive to create the foundations for a solid economy. In any case, homelessness and hunger are issues for many people. At least your people are used to this sorry state. [u]Government's Primary Means of Generating Income:[/u] 3. Your various churches regularly gather money from those in attendance (for some reason, under this system church attendance tends to be mandatory) and then the temple passes some along to the government. In this way, your clergy essentially act as tax collectors. [u]Technology:[/u] 1. Slow Modernization, your nation does somewhat lags behind the rest of the world, with many of your people stubbornly clinging to traditions and conventions. [u]Agriculture:[/u] 3. Turnips and radishes are almost all that you grow, and so most peasants eat those revolting foods almost exclusively. While there's enough food to go around, malnutrition and lack of diversity are large issues. [u]Natural Resources:[/u] Small deposits of exotic metals, hallucinogenic mushrooms, lumber [b]Military[/b] [u]Military Size[/u] 1. A small number of city guards, constables, and the personal retainers of nobles are the only standing armies. In wartime, vast (albeit seasonal) armies are mobilized via levying the peasants. [u]Military Focus[/u] 4. Decent navy; heavy archery focus in army with massed spearmen standing in a line to protect the archers; a fair amount of magic users for battle [u]Military Leadership[/u] 8. Generals are often hired foreigners; very competent but not necessarily loyal [u]Military Reputation[/u] 4. Popular domestically; considered weak by foreigners [/hider] [hider=Natubai] [center][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [color=gray][sub][i]Ravaged by the Inferior Plagues and raising temperatures for the deserts of Kalakum, Natubai was considered by nearby tribes as "The Wastelands of Natubai." Of course, that did not diminish the remaining survivors of the plague. When the plagues ended, those men and women began to rebuild everything. A few years later, word began to travel all over the kingdom that new species appeared at the coastlines. Since their landing, the king had been opened about trading with them. And allowing some foreigners to join the military. The older generations were stubborn about the king's decisions and started to feel disturbed with foreigners living among them. And the religious of the Old Gods began to detect the rise of the other religions, slowly killing the old religion. Everyone wondered if the kingdom of Natubai would embrace the changes at the cost of his own people and the old tradition or defend the old ways—resulting in a full-scale war with the foreigners that are reviving the economy. The future was unsure for the Malik and his subjects, but the priests always had a saying: "No matter the times of difficulty and hardship, always remember [b]the forgotten lands of Albion[/b]."[/i][/sub][/color] [center][img][/img][/center] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Natubai [u][b]Demonym[/b][/u] Natubain [u][b]Population[/b][/u] 8.5 million [u][b]Demographics[/b][/u] WIP [u][b]Government[/b][/u] After the collapse of the old government, the peoples' quickly reinstated the dying royal family—the Al-Jabri. Their three sons and four daughters all died during the Inferior Plagues. The husband, Jareer, caught the disease and was confined to his bed. By luck, or what he called 'divine intervention,' he survived the several times that the plague surfaced; however, he had to be confined to his bed for the rest of his days. His beloved wife, Yamina, took care of him while getting married to another family. The Suleiman family were wealthy nobles that took interest of the current situation and decided to present a request. For the survival of Al-Jabri royalty, Yamina had to marry the prince for the other family and take their last name. With no other choices, they accepted and both families became one. Afterwards, the Suleiman adopted an absolute monarchy. The family was still in power with their king, Youssouf, ruling the lands during this period of time. [u][b]Institutions[/b][/u] WIP [u][b]Religion[/b][/u] The official religion of Natubai was The Old Gods, one of the many pagan religions in the world. The story was told that Ultia, the God of Desert, one day made Kalakum Desert his home. Then one day, Ultia and the other Gods and Goddess rebelled against the False God of the world. After months of conflict, Ultia and his determined militia beat the False God and banished him to the underground pits where Ultia and others would keep eye on him. Peace had finally come to Gods for many centuries until the Inferior Plagues first showed up and caused the whole desert to become inflected. To prevent from the plagues to getting underground, the Old Gods decided to seal off them from any outsiders—including the followers. Once the plague died out, the Gods attempted to open the underground back up; however, nothing happened. And that is where the story ended and no-one knew who caused the seals to be stuck in place. Or who did it. Eight-two percent of the population believed in the Old Gods before foreigners arrived. Since their arrival, new religions began to decreased the percentage of the Old Gods believers from eight-two to seventy-five percent within two years. The Priests were trying to stabilize the other religions by pushing legislative into the government banning other religions besides the Old Gods. So far, their attempts did not work. [u][b]Economy[/b][/u] The economy collapsed during the Inferior Plagues and the old currency broke as well. Once the Suleiman took control and the plagues slowly died out, the government focused on the economy first by reissuing the currency and making indentured servants legal. And giving the elite more power in government to better manage the economy than the lower classes. The economy started to bounce back and unemployment rates were going down. Then both Zymokar and Keva discovered Natubai and trading between them began. The economy massively increased as people began to work as traders and guards. And the nation was, for the first, had resources beyond their lands in the form of coffee (Keva) and salt (Zymokar). In return, the foreigners were trying hallucinogenic mushrooms for the first time as well. As for religion, King Youssouf increased the amount of taxes collected from churches—which made the clergy rightfully upset. [u][b]Geography[/b][/u] The Kalakum Desert was a hot desert that expands all over and no one truthfully knew where it ended. [u][b]Notable Locations[/b][/u] Mujil - The Capital of Natubai [u][b]Personalities of Note[/b][/u] WIP [u][b]Military[/b][/u] Troop Total Army Navy Other [u][b]Other[/b][/u] [/hider]