[@Empress] More esoteric stuff is fine. Custom titles save me a few moments of work anyway. [@pugbutter] Ahhhhhh! Dude, I am so sorry I missed your post! I'll provide more of the story in the OOC, if that's cool. If you have particular questions, I can answer them while I'm online. Also, thanks for the tentative interest! [hider=Thing] [b]Plot Summary[/b]: The Pariah Dreams are drawn together by the first Rift to interfere with their Corporeal Reality Shard. This Anomalistic Rift releases a creature into New Graeline city, one which begins seeking out certain individuals who have a corrupted Fate Kernel. These Prime Entities (the humans) are targeted through various means and inevitably (and quickly) suffer death (I figure these will be our intro posts. I was thinking it wouldn't necessarily matter if they all died at once, given the strange desynchronization of time between their reality and Navain...as well as the various other layers of metaphysical un-realms), after their death they are met by a Scribe. The Scribe transports them to Navain, wherein they will encounter the beginning of their journey. They will begin in the Hollow Egress; a scattering of ruins from New Graeline with a nigh-destroyed hospital serving at its center. Within the Hollow Egress they will meet a character who offers them the chance to return home. As well as, probably, some exposition. Otherwise, I plan for our characters to interact in the real world and attempt to discover what exactly is going on with their transitions between the two worlds and what impact their actions may have on the 'real world'.[/hider] That's just me laying out a little bit of what I have in mind. Figure once we're past the intro, the story will become more open. I know that introduced some terms that may or may not be immediately understandable. I intend to include them, with definitions, in the OOC.