Meanwhile, while everyone was talking among themselves, a lone space pod, in the shape of a small ball flew through the endless void that was space. It was big enough to fit one person, have enough room to breath, and the controls. That was it. A man inside the pod, named Bardock, one of the last of the Saiyan race, was inhabiting it. He was calm, not resting but his were closed and he was reflecting on various things that had happened to him recently. Suddenly, a warning stirred him from his thoughts. "WARNING. WARNING. TEMPORAL WORMHOLE OBSTRUCTING PATH. TEMPORAL WORMHOLE IS NOT THE INTENDED DESTINATION." the pod warned, screen flashing red with many warning signs. "..Well, it's not necessarily where I need to be, but maybe I should investigate. Maybe somebody's on the other side who can supply me with solid mercenary work." Bardock changed the course, and the Saiyan space pod flew towards and through the wormhole. In a matter of seconds it made a firm landing on the floor, leaving a small crater around it. It opened up, and Bardock stepped out. "Finally, I can stretch my damn legs." Bardock said, stretching his body, cracking his knuckles and his neck. He looked around. "So, this is where I ended up, huh?" Bardock stepped out of the crater, starting to walk.