Jenso backed away from the boulder, and slammed his fists together. A powerful shockwave of Ki erupted from them, aimed to deflect the incoming shards of light. He dashed further to the side to avoid Alvios's blade wave, and launched several white flame balls into the air. They were aimed to crash into Alvios from above as a destraction, as flames erupted from Jenso's heels. [color=f26522]"Flame dash.."[/color] He muttered, dashing forwards at top speeds in order to move towards Alvios's right hand that was now unarmed. He aimed a quick kick right underneath Alvios's helmet. His leg seemed to glow a bright white for a moment as he kicked. [color=f26522]"FLAMEBURST KICK!!"[/color] He shouted, as an explosion of white flames erupted from where he struck his foot. He attempted to knock the helmet off of Alvios's head. [i][color=f26522]'He's fast...'[/color][/i] Jenso thought.