[@Mercinus3]: One thing to note too, which I mentioned in the chat but will do again here to make sure everyone sees it. There's also time zones to consider. While everyone felt the earthquake, there's a 3 hour difference between California and New York/Maine. And you didn't state when the quake happened which makes it hard to determine [i]when[/i] the other characters feel it. This isn't a nitpick, but rather something I noticed. Ben's timeline, and anyone that is currently on it, is currently early in the morning (around 11 pm to 1 am right now) on likely the prior day-present now. Ben, Rune and Otto being the only ones on the present right now. I actually feel bad for him because the moon doesn't set (since according to a calendar for June, the 9th in 2017 is the only full moon, lol) until 5:44 am and he's like four hours away from it. XD