[quote=@Sovi3t] Is it possible for me to actually run a black market esqe faction which mainly could act as a "contractor" for rebel groups? Based upnon hardened criminals, gangsters but also some military veterans? [/quote] This sounds a bit like what I'm doing actually since I have a shit load of crime gangs/families/syndicates under me as well as military vets and homeless people and generally people who got buttfucked by poverty and want to "take back what's their's form the rich" but I'd like to offer you a preposition: How does being in my area (north eastern seaboard) and being a closely aligned but ultimately independent faction? It'll give you a nice layer of protection, close and easy access to a hungry market who wants weapons and good land which is honestly at a premium in this RP it seems. You can have direct access to the Atlantic and unless you want to try your luck as Northern Midwest gun runners going through the Canadian wilderness, I'd say you got a very solid area to set up shop.