I am contemplating being Oathkeepers or some radical group of that nature. I just think there are people severely overestimating the military capabilities and ideological projection capabilities of other countries here. The US is still military super power here. A humilating defeat trying to invade a country whose military philosophy was built on guerrila warfare from the days of Mao onward doesn't make the US military which has bases literally all over the world magically vanish. Blowing up a couple super carriers and satellites doesn't mean a country with a global military hegemony suddenly loses that edge. The worst case scenario is a loss of our military activity in East Asia due to being rebuffed by China. The US military is like 6-10x more expansive than the next largest military. The power balance is very lopsided... Intervening in the civil war of a super power would be a massive, massive gamble for any foreign force. Also does the US international military still carry out operations even if the domestic situaiton has collapsed? I mean, they are likely without their CiC to set an agenda but they're still likely out there. A military without a country and all that.