I actually have a few questions for the Arena Regulars [sub]tm[/sub]. Some of these questions may seem a little weird, but do keep in mind that i'm a role player who prefers writing a good story over interesting fights, and I'm curious if the arena scene would interest me even on a casual level. First question being: Is there a benefit to giving your characters flaws? Is there any reason to enter the arena with a character that is less than perfect? As an example: if I'm making a character for a magical setting, chances are the characters are going to be getting into hand-to-hand combat, if only occasionally. I could make my character a cute, plucky witch... [hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/r0bFAU4.png[/img] [/hider] ...But is there any reason to not give the same magical powers to a more physically capable fellow like this? [hider] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/dd820d3ff52225fcdf372d7c66ba5a49/tumblr_op64lfpsA31w6599so1_540.jpg[/img] [/hider] Now I realize at higher "levels of play" your characters are essentially gods and details like your character's sex and how much armor they choose to wear is actually really inconsequential. but as you move further down the spectrum towards more realistic settings, your characters age, body shape, muscle mass, and dare I say even sex play a large factor in battle. Or at least it should. I'm curious as to how you guys handle this in a competitive setting.