[quote=@Drag] Dude April 30th is my birthday and that entire sequence fucked me up as a kid (Before I knew the reason) cause I genuinely thought they were on about me.... I wasn't very bright [/quote] I was also pretty young when I first played it. I spent a lot of time replaying it trying to figure out more and more, and it's actually my favorite game in the series now. Knowing the themes of that game, though, I'd think Kojima might actually put something like that in the game if he had a way of pulling it off back then. I'll make sure to tell you happy birthday tomorrow! As for me, though... [hider=IT MIGHT AS WELL BE MY BIRTHDAY TODAY BECAUSE BOY DID I SPOIL MYSELF] [img]https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/18237848_1939339329644015_8745693705894544828_o.jpg?oh=c2e973b4ed0803e2eda8263518386eeb&oe=597B66B0[/img] [/hider] I FINALLY FOUND HAUNTING GROUND! I HAVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR THIS FUCKING GAME FOR SEVERAL YEARS AND I FINALLY FOUND IT! IT WAS 90 BUCKS AND THAT'S STILL A MASSIVE STEAL! I BOUGHT ALL OF THIS SHIT AND I STILL HAVEN'T BURNED THROUGH ALL OF MY TAX REFUNDS! AND I BOUGHT EVEN MORE DMC WALL SCROLLS! [i][b]AHAHAHAHAHAHA![/b][/i] I'm pretty stoked but I'm gonna try and calm down a little.