Due to the recent political upheaval, your own crimes or bad luck you find yourself chained to the wall on a boat full of prisoners. You have been exiled to Hurica, the ancient and previously abandoned birthplace of man. For centuries the previous dynasty has exiled beasts and monstrous races to the continent "for their own good," but the new emperor thought it prudent to remove his own undesirables in the same way. Hurica is an overgrown and savage land,but beneath it all is a history of forgotten gods, lost technology and stories of ancient treasure. A door slams open and light meets your eyes for the first time in days revealing all the other starving and disgusting passengers. One of the crew members stands there with a whip. "Land!" the sailor announces. "Pick yourselves up!" you are brought up to the surface where you can see the magnificent green wilderness of Hurica and the shanty town on a cliff that would become your new home.