[u]Unknown location.[/u] Death and War stood outside the small cavern that had become their base of operations. Death stared at his reflection in a puddle of water. He had become stronger. Faster. His intelligence and skill with dark magic had vastly increased. His appearance was still somewhat the same but he was also a bit taller and his clothing was different. Instead of his traditional clothes he was wearing black armor that seemed to pulse with dark energy. His eyes had turned from a light red to a blood red color. Genocide, who went by the name War now was also much stronger and faster. He was not as adept as Death with dark magic but he was getting better and better at it as the days went by. He also wore the strange armor that pulsed with dark energy. His eyes were not a red as Death's but they were slowly turning blood red. "We are Stronger. Faster. We are more than a match for the meta-humans of this world now. It is time to send a message to them. One that will be remembered." Death snarled as he stared down at his hand as a small image of a city took shape in his hand. It looked so...vulnerable to War. "What is the name of this city? And where is it located?" War asked "It's name is Eden. And the humans believe it to be one of the best defended cities they have. We will show them the error of their ways." War said as he waved his hands and a black portal took shape in front of them. "It is time that we show this world what they are dealing with." He said with a soft, evil chuckle as the two of them stepped into the portal.