[color=mediumorchid]"And where will you draw the line between the deserving and undeserving?!"[/color] The blades shattered within Jenso's whip, but simply reconstituted themselves, as they were still just pure energy at their core. As Jenso flew at Alvios at increased speed, he didn't defend himself. Instead, he spread his arms, letting Jenso's blow connect, ramming one of the blades into Jenso's arm before the force of the blow sent him flying backwards, leaving the blade behind. The punch was more powerful than he had anticipated. Some of the light around his stomach dispersed for just a brief moment, before coming together to repair the damage. As he got his bearing again though, he called back the swords that had reformed behind Jenso, hoping to skewer him from behind. The sword he still held in his left he tossed behind him, forming a third sword encased in a bubble on the opposite side of the cavern. He was setting something up, for sure.