[center][h1]Advanced[/h1][h3][i]5e Dungeons and Dragons - d20 Modern - 3.5e Dungeons and Dragons[/i][/h3] [h3][/h3] I am far from new to the role of being the Dungeon Master, having done so traditionally for years now, but for too long in recent have I gone without doing so. No less, I believe it has been much too long since I told a story and allowed players to find themselves into it how they so desire. Because of this, I have created a selection I think might interest a number of persons familiar to the genres, and while I would prefer those experienced in Dungeons and Dragons, all are welcome if they have any background at all. If you wish to participate, voice your opinion and what games you would like to play; only the one with the highest amount of votes and attention will I run. [/center] [h3]Selections[/h3][list] [*] [i][b]Advent[/b] (d20M, 3.5e) (Dystopian, Near Modern, Science Fiction)[/i][list] [*] A not so distant future holds a time of tremendous turmoil technologically and socially; man, machine and metahumanity tenuously coexist. The use of cybernetics has become available to the public, just as the rarity of genetic augmentation remains in part elusive. However, there exists the haves and have nots, with those in between unsure which path to follow. Together, they determine what path to follow. [/list] [*] [i][b]Defiance[/b] (d20M, 3.5e) (Future, Post Apocalyptic, Science Fiction)[/i][list] [*] As an unknowable, unfathomable threat bears down upon mankind from all angles in a war already lost, a sense of desperation takes hold. Despite the futility of these efforts, the human race and some of its last few members aboard a war vessel are willing to strike back one last time to not fade quietly away. There is only total success or absolute failure. [/list] [*] [i][b]Lost Lands[/b] (5e) (Adventure, Fantasy, Heroic)[/i][list] [*] A few select heroes discover a power they could never have known were it not for setting out on a now failed quest. Discovering worlds beyond their own, they fight a battle against time to prevent the forces of darkness from overwhelming existence; a door they themselves accidentally opened. Without one another they will unquestionably fail, but together they might just succeed. Despite these great stakes, their passionate hearts never lose their levity or sight of hope. [/list] [*] [i][b]Minutes to Midnight[/b] (d20M, 3.5e) (Apocalyptic, Modern, Survival)[/i][list] [*] A small group of regular people are pitted against an overwhelming series of natural disasters and terrible odds in the United States. As society around them revolts under the strain of disease and a terrible environmental calamity, they are forced to fight for every little advantage they can. But there's something more, almost otherworldly at work. Is it tidings of ills to still come or is it a source of newfound hope? [/list] [*] [i][b]The Wrath of the Wild[/b] (3.5e) (Exploration, Low Fantasy, Savage)[/i][list] [*] A band of mundane men and women are forced to take up arms after they find their village reduced to cinder and bathed in blood in the wake of an unnatural storm, a scene of violent battle. A sole survivor accompanies them, remembering only glimpses of the events in nightmare and left with a scar that no restorative magic can seemingly heal, being their sole guide to follow. With nothing left and wanting answers, they press into the great realm abroad, growing from common folk to unlikely heroes of the realm in a time after the great adventurers. [/list] [/list]