-WANT TO HEAR IDEAS -This RP will be causal to advanced -I play M in romantic MxF, but I can play Female characters -I'm cool with all gender pairings but romance is strictly MxF -All are welcome here -I DO NOT RP ANY SORT OF PLOTS REVOLVING AROUND DEVILS OR DEMONS -I ALSO DON'T TOLERATE MAKING BODY IMAGE A CENTRAL THEME OF AN RPG -You can call me Pfroggy or Froggy, for short -I do PMs 100% of the time -I average my posts average 3-4 or more paragraphs, but I can type more. I'm very versatile. -Many of my plots may involve history settings, though I only care about minimal historical accuracy -Please talk to me, I like friendly OOC chat -PM me if interested. -MAKE YOUR CHARACTER BELIEVABLE! (Please don't have a character in 15th century England wear skinny jeans) -Please try to type about the same length as me. I don't want to write a three-four paragraph entry and get a paragraph or two in return. Now those have been established some pairings/time periods I'm looking at: -Fandoms (have an idea mention it to me) -Cannibal x Explorer -Time Travel -Goddess x Mortal (ancient Greek/Odyssey style idea) -European Exploration to New World or Far East -Pirate x Prince -Prince x Queen -Prince x Mermaid -Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra -Thief x Prince -Write-In option (TOTALLY OPEN TO NEW IDEAS) (I love broadening my RP horizons) (PM me your ideas) -Messing with Disney (we take a Disney film and mess with the world and even the characters however we want) If interested, message me here or PM me.