[color=00a651][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S H I N D O "F L A S H F O R W A R D" T S U B A S A[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][/COLOR] [hr][sup]City W[/sup] [@Archmage MC] [@chukklehed] [@Cherrywitch] Madame... Tight Britches? Flash Forward only blinked at her but nodded. [color=00a651]"Take care."[/color] He then nodded at the workers and they quickly took her inside the ambulance and closed its door. He motioned for them to wait just in case Reaper or him gets injured. He wasn't so much worried about Light. From what he saw earlier, and from his previous encounters with the monster hero, he knew she could recover without a problem. Must be nice, being a void being. He turned back and then sped towards the area where the gigantic monster and the mutts are. As Flash Forward entered the area, he saw Violet Reaper gripping the left side of her face - as if in pain. Was she attacked there? And then her scythe burst into flames and Flash Forward held back a gasp. No, it was not because of the flames, he was used to seeing her summoning it to aid her in battle. It was the color of it - or lack thereof. Her usual violet flames was now a sickening black and he felt his gut wrench at the sight. Was there more to just her power up that he saw? Like, maybe some sort of curse or... or maybe, this power was something that broke out of its seal... He didn't know, and he was worried. The black flames reached up to the buildings - flames so hot that it melted concrete and he could feel the heat radiating from it all the way from where he was standing. It then curved and hit the wolf - completely annihilating it. Flash Forward, in a fit of worry, rushed forward once more, just as the flames reached down to the wolves. His action was instinctive, his mind registering the pillar of flame as something dangerous to Violet Reaper, despite it coming from her own hands. He was not sure why he felt that way but he just did. Flash Forward saw Reaper collapse onto the concrete that looked more like lava now. He grit his teeth and rushed for it anyway. Each step caused agonizing pain for the speedster - each spike of heat threatening to make him stumble. But he kept on going. He managed to scoop Reaper and her scythe off of the lava-like concrete and got out of the general area. While running, he looked down on her face and saw something he wasn't expecting. Black tendrils going back somewhere behind her head. Once out of the danger zone, he stopped and tried to carefully drop Reaper before dropping onto the cool concrete himself. He was trying to keep the groans of pain to himself. With labored breaths, he rose up on all fours. Good Lord, he was sure to never do something like that anymore. He was sure that slower people would get the worse end of the stick when walking on something like that. He looked at his shoes and saw that the soles had practically melted. For some reason, his feet had already numbed - though the lack of pain sure was welcomed right now. He crawled towards Reaper and saw that she looked rather normal. No black tendrils or anything like that. Had it been his imagination? Or was it something else entirely? Something he should be worried about? He wasn't sure and he hated that. He placed one hand on her shoulder and began to shake her, [color=00a651]"Reaper, you alive?"[/color] It was obvious that she wasn't alright so he instead opted for asking that. He looked over to Light, who was holding one of the mutts in some sort of bear hug. He lowered his mask and gave her a meek smile. [color=00a651]"Hey Light! Can you call over the ambulance? I think we might need it."[/color] He called out. There was no way in hell would he walk now, not yet anyway. His cells still haven't healed up and he needed to eat something so it would go faster.