Kanoko waited for her head to stop spinning. The initial crash into whatever place she existed in now had done a number, and as the adrenaline died down she was starting to feel lightheaded again. Checking the bandage and feeling that the gauze was secure, she unbuckled the harness and launched herself out of the Gundam's cockpit. It didn't take long for her to drop down to the deck with Sarah and Ray, Captain Read standing next to the Mobile Fighter. She put a hand up in greeting toward Sarah, glad that everyone was pretty much safe and sound from their sortie. "I see you made it back. How'd you get your Gundam to move like that? I've never seen any of those preprogrammed into the computer." Her eyes traveled over to the good captain's flamboyant, pirate-themed outfit and she was floored by how brazenly fantastical it was, raising her eyebrows a little before giving him a crisp salute. "Welcome aboard, sir. I take it your get your inspiration from 18th-century Earth?"