Gideon sealed the Yoki he had let out as his skin returned to its normal colour, he looked around and anything lesser than a Claymore might have been overcome with disgust as what they saw. Bodies were littered all around him, all of them had been torn up and the way they had fallen almost looked like they had been protecting something… or someone. That’s when the heard the quiet whimpers of some child though he couldn’t see who was making it, he noticed that a male and female had their backs turned to him like they were trying to protect a loved one from the death that the Yoma brought with them. The closer he walked, paying close attention to avoid the corpses and puddles of blood, the louder the noise got and he knelt down to find the source of the crying. It was clear to him that they were husband and wife, their hands were interlocked and their bodies pressed together to provide a shield from harm, though he was far from an emotionally-driven being Gideon still felt far more than his fellow Claymores could ever have expected. He had always tried to be around humans for as long as possible without attraction suspicion or unwanted attention from the Organisation, being so cold and methodical had started to feel wrong after every passing day. Before he inevitably died, he wanted to at least [i]feel[/i]. “It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you.” Gideon was careful when shifting the bodies to the side since they were likely this child's parents and he had no intention of causing her further distress. Underneath was young girl, she must have been around ten years old clenching her knees with her arms as she visibly shook from the shock of seeing and hearing death firsthand. Her ragged clothing had seen better days, a couple of patches were stained red as the blood had managed to squeeze itself through though she didn’t look physically injured from what he could make out. She opened her eyes very briefly and then shut them again as if this were a terrible nightmare she desperately wished would end but sadly this was the reality she now lived in. “I’m going to take you to safety now. Don’t be frightened.” His voice was calm but conveyed his concern as he tried to reassure her, the monotone of most other Claymores would only worsen an already fragile situation. Reaching down to pick her up, she shrunk back a little but didn’t seem to protest when he gently scooped her up into his arms and held her against his chest so she felt secure though her eyes were still… it must’ve been rather surreal for her but in the end he had to get someone to care for her. When he exited the building, he could sense the distinct lack of Yoma around them and wasn’t surprised it had ended so quickly since the most powerful of Claymore had dispatched them in one single swing. “Isn’t this a sight for sore eyes, Gideon have you gone soft?” It was Ansgar’s voice, whose else would it have been? “Hardly. This girl needs a family since she has none now, that’s all.” Gideon only glanced his way but went in search for someone suitable to look after her or she wasn’t going to survive very long on her own. She had stopped crying or making much noise at all, when he looked down his silver eyes met hers, large sky-blue orbs stared back in wonder and not fear like how most humans reacted to them. “I’m going to find you a home.” And that’s when he almost walked into a younger couple who looked to be barely recovering from the bloodbath that had overtaken their village. “Take this girl and love her like she is your own daughter, you can do that right?” The man looked liked he wanted to protest but his partner gave him nudge and smiled brightly at the Claymore. “Of course we can, we-” Sh was cut off by Gideon who spoke casually as he handed the little girl over who looked more confused than anything. “If I hear you’re mistreating her, I will come back for you. I hope I make myself clear?” That made them uneasy and rightfully so, it wasn’t an idle threat. He swiftly returned to the group of Claymores that had gathered around Ansgar but Gideon had no interest in staying any longer though as he walked passed his name was called out. The rank one never could make anything easy on him. “Oh Gideon, I hope you aren’t going anywhere? I’ve chosen you to team up with Morae, I’m calling on that… favour.” Gideon froze in place, he didn't need to sift through his memories to know exactly what he was referring to. [i]The bastard[/i] “I really don’t thi-” “You don’t get to question me Gideon! You will do as I say unless you think yourself better than me?” [@Dusksong]