Elaine smiled when the Emperor said he had a plan, even though he added a little comment to degrade himself. Well, at least the Emperor wasn't a very stiff, no-nonsense, all business type of guy. It's hard dealing with those people. She should know. The previous Captain of the Northgate Guard was exactly like that. It becomes a lot harder to let loose when you need to. Sometimes, being all business can get you killed. It's nice to kick back and relax even at the most trying of times. It's what kept her going at least. As Janus stood up and walked over to the bookcase, she followed. Her eyes shone when the bookcase slid open and revealed a secret path. Afraid of the unknown? That fear had been removed quite some time ago. After all, there was nothing that can scare her more than the sight of a bloody mess. [color=f26522]"Trust me, Emperor, I have seen things. Things that makes you unafraid of anything else."[/color] Thinking back to that moment of seeing [i]that[/i] sent chills down her spine. If only it was a bloody battlefield, then she wouldn't have this kind of reaction. But something like that? Oh man, one cannot simple forget about it. Elaine dove in without a single moment of hesitation, right behind Veronica. When light began to envelop them, Elaine shut her eyes for a moment and opened them again, letting her eyes adjust to the sudden change in lighting. Hall of Dramoria huh? She looked at the paintings that depicted his life, certainly amazed by this. The stories of Dramoria always fascinated her for one reason or another and there was no shortage of said stories in her village. However, one mere painting here trumped any storyteller she knew. It was like one painting already showed her the entire happenings. Or maybe it was just her imagination. Who knows. As they neared the end, three beings stood in their way. [color=f26522]"The Warrior, the Mage, and the Archer?"[/color] She unintentionally said out loud as she inspected the three figures. They were made of metal, each had something that represented their class, she assumed, or preference of weaponry. When they moved, she saw the others in the group move to get their weapons. Elaine knew that her arrows can do nothing to metal beings so she only stood there. Thankfully, Emperor Janus held out his pendant - though she did not see what it was - and the three beings stopped and went back to their places and the doors opened. It revealed a chamber. There were many odd things inside, things that the others did not seem to know as well. There was something hanging above their heads - a large skeleton. It reminded her of a lizard but it had wings spread out. How... odd. If she would let her imagination go wild, she would guess that that skeleton was one of the ancient myths - a dragon. But that was impossible, dragons never existed. Everyone knew that and that was the truth... right? She was quickly ripped away from her thoughts as she needed to continue moving to follow everyone else. She curiously looked at the other artifacts, jewels, metals and other objects in there. They were hidden so well. It's a shame no one can see them. But she supposed it is a treasury. When they finally stopped, they stopped in front the Artifacts. She was pretty damn sure there's not a single soul out there who doesn't know about the Artifacts. Was this his plan? Elaine didn't really know how to react to seeing them. The others looked calm but she was just ecstatic. Like, they get to see the Artifacts. She, a mere guard who is a half-blood, gets to actually see an Artifact. Never in her life had she thought that would happen. She looked at Emperor Janus and nodded slowly. Might as well know what he was planning though she had a pretty wild guess on what it is.