[hr][centre][img]http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/atelia-fahrong.jpg[/img] [h3][color=Gray]"This isn't soil we're used to..."[/color][/h3] [hr] [Color=Silver][b]November 11th Year 142 Fifth Era[/b] The entirety of the Valo Continent was shaken by the clash of two growing powers. On one side stood the Gersa Coalition, a collection of three separate provinces all under the command of a single Minister. They were locked in a deadly defensive tension against their adversaries, the Wrea Federation. The Federation have taken an offensive surprise bombardment across the entirety of the continent, flattening villages and peaceful provinces of its own land. Then, newfound technological advancements in steam-powered engineering has allowed for a new age of conflict to spur. A series of aerial bombardments and raids from airships and blimps alike struck fear into the hearts of the Gersa Coalition provinces. In retaliation, they began to create their own machines of war, and firearms soon became a thing of modern times. No longer were the wars of the Fourth Era to be fought, and the Fifth Era held the dawn of wreckless machinery, steam-powered mechanised walkers and overwhelming ships that dotted the skies. It played out for months, with drastic measures being set into play. The standard conscription of only men was thrown out of the window, and new laws allowing females to join the ranks of their opposite sex meant that they could double their units, but at the cost of reducing the factory working conditions. A line posing directly between the Gersa and the pathway of the ever-growing Wrea Federation began to create a stalemate like no other, men and women losing their lives countless on either side whilst no ground could be won. And soon, they would face a new weapon unlike any other introduced into the new-age war. Four-legged crawlers, armed with chain-belt guns began to grow in power, and in strength. Their production yards were growing, and whilst the Gersan's were against an enemy that could constantly feed their equipment to one focal point, there was no chance for them holding out for another few months. And that was when the Gersan's became desperate...Four divisions of men and women picked out of the street and factories were recruited to undertake in what might be the only way to push back the enemy focus. Inserted via sea, and roughly supplied by whatever they could gain control of, a distraction-based Operation was designed to lure the opposition away from the Gersan Borders and towards their own lines. The men and women were told that they were likely not to return to their families, homes or friends. They were to be in the deepest territory on the Valo Continental Front. Against impossible odds, deathly machines and well-trained combat units on foot, they were going to have to use their wits and combined comradeship to hold out as long as they could. Destroying whatever they could find behind enemy lines, they would need to master the forests, mountains, hills and valleys of their enemy's home. These weren't soldiers, they were cannon-fodder. This is their story, where a war they hadn't fought yet had dragged them into the most dangerous of all places. Where large-scale assaults would be replaced with small, guerrilla-style skirmishes and firefights would test their mettle, pitting them into reaching distance of their own adversary. They would need to bind together, learn to respect one another, despite which province they hailed from. This was their story about a sacrifice no man could ever repay.[/color] [/centre] [hr] Welcome to the world of Hvask, more specifically the Continent of Valo, which has now been plunged into a massive conflict. The other nations of Valo have fallen already, and now the only remaining opponent to challenge the ever-growing Wrea Federation has been chosen. Starting a year ago, the combined forces of the three Provinces of the Gersa Coalition have managed to drive the Federation into a stalemate, holding them on a bloody defensive line with casualties inflicting on either side. And due to the dependence of victory, the Ministers of the Gersa Coalition have had to fall under Order 45, one that inflicts an inhumane act of sacrifice. The 65th Spearhead Division. These men and women were chosen, and conscripted into the Division forcefully. They were given training for two months, and were given a somewhat combat ability. Their soul purpose was to die for their nation, and to lure away the enemy from the frontlines in order to provide a full-scale invasion into the Wrea Federation's homeland. The division consists of different roles, split into 12 'Platoons' that don't follow the regular Gersa Coalition Army structure. These platoons all consist of multiple roles, and are to spread out across the Federation land from the coast as soon as they land. This means that if one platoon falls, more will be left to deal damage. They are to act as a ruse, convincing the Federation that there is a full-scale invasion force that has entered from the sea. As one of those within the 7th Platoon of the 65th Spearhead Division, you're tasked to follow all orders and survive for as long as possible... [centre][hider=The Gersa Coalition][hr][img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/9a67/f/2011/252/0/b/custom_flag_11_by_greatpaperwolf-d49e6la.png[/img] [color=Orange][h3][i]"To persist in dark times was our creator's order..."[/i][/h3][/color][hr] [color=Orange][b]Information[/b][/color] The Gersa Coalition is a United Alliance of three separate Nations, which combined to each form a separate 'Province' each for the Gersa Coalition. Splitting into Avea, the largest and most important of the three, Hollai and Buo. Hollai and Buo both block the inner-continent's path towards Avea, as if a natural barrier. Because of this, the key-cities, governmental properties and strategic planning facilities are all located within the walls of great cities, such as Greal, the Coalition's Capital. Mostly consisting of open fields, and forests, but containing a few marshlands, plains and valleys, it provides the perfect areas for agriculture and continuous supply of natural resources. This is one of the key factors that draws the ever-growing Wrea Federation inwards towards their Cities and Capitals. The people of the Coalition split into three races, all dependent on their province of origination. Those born in Avea are known as the Disas, a well respected and intelligent race known for holding much of the power throughout the Coalition. Those born in Hollai are known as the Mundae, a hard-working race that revolutionised the industrialisation of steam-powered technology. Those born in Buo are known as the Harcsens. Harcsens aren't the most respected race, as they have in the past been responsible for a revolution that caused the Gersa Civil War 97 Years prior to the Valo Continental War. Though those alive aren't persistent on causing any more rebellions, there are some who still agree with what their relatives did those years ago. This in turn has caused a social tension within the Coalition since. The Military orders its units to treat their comrades like their own race, though when off-duty or on down-time personnel like to quarrel and discriminate. The government of the Coalition lies under a Counsel of Ministers who dictate the laws, actions and economy of the provinces. Each province has a Minister, whilst the Chief Minister acts as a dictator over all. Though proving to be unfair in the past with ruthless dictators that had caused many clashes with long-gone superpowers known as the Hecteral Empire and plunged the Coalition into a state of economic depression. As times of peace pressured onwards, a chain of economically wise Chief Ministers have blessed their lands with sustainability and as much balance throughout the three provinces. However, the current Chief Minister, Earl Jovaskevan, was born into a Military-bred family, and keeps the pressure on the Military to ensure the safety of their own people. With the sudden descent into war, Jovaskevan has become more extreme in his tactics and strategic movement of the Tri-Branch Military, which is mostly influenced by needy Commanders and Generals who seek only victory. [hider=The Tri-Branch Gersan Military][hr][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ba/4e/e5/ba4ee552ec57fd8665ee8697d7a22def.jpg[/img] [hr][sub]Gersa Coalition Weapons provided by [@Gunther]. Naval and Sky-Naval produced by myself.[/sub] [hr] The Military that Gersa has been recognised for is strong with numbers and modern technology, though not as impressive as their current adversaries in the Federation. Their strength, like most modern Militaries in the Continents other than Valo, is split amongst three individual branches, ruling the three elements of the world. [hider=The Gersan Army]The Gersan Coalition Army are the bulk and backbone to the entire Military, as they would in any army. Focusing on the land-mass, they spread into different variations, usually consisting of Infantry, and the newly founded Motorised and Armoured variations. Their weaponry is usually the focus of the development projects within the Capital's walls. They are likely to gain support from the two other branches within large-scale operations, and have been known to cooperate with other smaller divisions. They are the main defence in the Battle of the Outskirts, the Wrean assault on the Coalition's Borders. All members of the Army are put under strict orders of obedient Commanding Officers, splitting down into Variations and Divisions. Many infantry divisions have a focus on a specific type of combat, but it is not rare to see Adaptable Divisions that specialise in multiple fields of combat. That increases their effectiveness if numbers grow short, meaning that they should have a higher chance of withstanding most types of assaults or situations. [/hider] [hider=The Gersan Navy]The Gersan Navy splits into two Divisions, one being more recognised than the other. Dating back since the first days of the Coalition, the first division consists of the Navy. Large, behemoth-like ships that bare devastating firing capabilities are the key to dominance over the waters that surround the nations of Valo. Used for the defence of coasts or as a spearhead in Naval invasions, the well-recieved, well-respected sailors that man the vessels of the seas are credited for fending off everything that comes their way. However, the Wrean Navy has now reached the same capabilities as that of the Gersan. This creates some of the largest battles in the entire history of Valo, being fought between ships and across waters. It takes a lot to bring down the infamous Dreadnoughts of either side, and pitting yourself against the Capital Fleet of the Gersan Navy is a death sentence. The Second Division is new to the field of battle, and arrived shortly after the use of offensive flight combat first introduced by the Liberation of Southern Valo by the Wrea Federation. These ships are not as large as their oceanic counterparts, but they carry the capabilities of flying over the land and delivering deadly waves of bullets and bombs. Whilst power and armour isn't their strong point, these airships of peculiar shapes are the experts of speed, travelling faster than any other ship in order to make for swift attacks. Combat between fleets of Airships can be devastating to the sky and ground, and many lives can be lost between these confrontations. Only the bravest head to the skies, but the bravest head into the Sky-Raiders of the Gersan Army. [/hider] [hider=The Gersan Supportive Force]The Gersan Supportive Force consists of rear-line defensive and fire support. Usually associated with the newly introduced Artillery Divisions, these consist of Off-Field Hospitality, Rear-Line command and Off-Field development. Unlike the Wrea Federation, this group operates only to support, sometimes being referred to as the Homeguard Division. They stay away from the frontlines, but ensure that the war isn't brought towards the cities or commanding posts of the Gersan Military. There are variations of Supportive Force roles that are within the Gersan Army and Navy, such as Combat Medics, Field Medics, Combat Engineers and Vessel Engineers. The closest the other two branches come to with the fire support the Supportive Force delivers are the Trajectory Gunners (Mortars) of the Gersan Army. [/hider] [hider=The Gersan 65th Spearhead Division]The Gersan 65th Spearhead Division was only created in recent months of the War. They are a hybrid of a Militia and Reserve force designed by Gersa Coalition Counsellors to diverge the tension from the frontlines. It was a cruel act, some that consider it a war-crime, where randomly selected individuals were trained until somewhat able to fight in preparation for a 'Spearhead Assault' deep into the heart of the Wrea Federation. Their odds of survival are low, but they are considered to be an act of martyrdom, whether they are forced or not, and have rumours of receiving orders to only die for their Nation's cause. To ensure that they stay in line and are somewhat organised, volunteers from the Gersan Army Reserves that were able to be spared were placed as Commanding roles within this Division. The Division itself is mixed amongst a few variations. As they are planned to be inserted via the assistance of the Gersan Navy's 4th Fleet, they consist of all the experimentation gear that is attempted to outmatch or combat the advancement of their opponent. Consisting of groups trained like Recon Infantry, some trained to Pilot newly developed Steam-Walkers as Armoured Support, some acting as supportive firing teams, and so many more, they carry a burden on their backs to at least last long enough to draw the entire Federation's bulk off of the Gersan Borders. If they can cause enough attention to be drawn back into the heart of their land, the Gersan Army will be able to make a push into the Federation's land and drive them back for the first time since the War's beginning. The men and women of the Spearhead Division are led to believe that they will be rescued by the Gersan Army if they hold out for long enough. That is only an ideal world...One that has an almost impossible chance of occurring. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [/centre] [hr] For the full information about all the vehicles and weaponry of both the Federation and Coalition, you will be required to look upon [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/162748-the-gersa-coalition-and-wrea-federation-tools-of-war/ooc]this guide[/url]. You are only required to read on the information that your character might be using, but if something, like a vehicle, is mentioned and you are not sure of what it is, please check this guide. The Wrea Federation items aren't necessary to read, but would be advisable to read if something is mentioned from it. Many thanks to [@Gunther] for his work on the Army's weaponry for both sides. [hr] The characters we'll be controlling are a part of the 7th Platoon. Like the other platoons, they are tasked with spreading out across the Federation Territory far behind enemy lines in order to grab their attention and draw them from the frontlines. Most of them are damned with a fate to die. One key-factor that will play an important role throughout this Roleplay will be the relationships between all the members of the group. Whether they are male or female, they are to be forced to work with one another. This means that they will undergo tensions and stress, between all the soldiers of the platoon, and some will have to gain a reputation throughout their platoon. Because of this, however they view another individual will be tracked in their CS and updated regularly whenever a new development occurs. [centre][hider=Character Sheet][i]These can be adapted to however you may please. You may mix certain information points, add a few additional bits of information or decorate it as you please, but make sure you get all the necessary details down.[/i] [hr] [b][u]Name[/u][/b] [i]Pretty straight forward[/i] [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] [i]Ditto[/i] [b][u]Age[/u][/b] [i]Ditto[/i] [b][u]Birthplace by Nationality[/u][/b] [i]Gersa Coalition - State what Province/Race they are - State the City/Town[/i] [hr] [b][u]Rank[/u][/b] [i]Everyone would likely be at a 'Private' level. If anything is requested to be higher, then you may ask me. The maximum that can be given is a Sergeant, nothing higher. Two Corporals and Three Lance Corporals are available.[/i] [b][u]Role[/u][/b] [i]Refer to the 'Roles' list below.[/i] [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] [i]Does what it says on the tin[/i] [hr] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [i]You can describe their uniform here if a picture has been provided. If no image is provided, please describe their appearance in more detail, including their physical appearance.[/i] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [i]Describe who they are as a person, and if them being a Soldier is any different.[/i] [hider=Relationships] [i]Here, you will keep track of all the relationships you have with other characters. This includes NPCs, Characters and so forth. This must be updated whenever possible if something new develops.[/i] [/hider] [hr] [b][u]History[/u][/b] [i]How did they come to the present period in time? What was their life like?[/i] [b][u]Family[/u][/b] [i]Straight forward[/i] [b][u]Theme Song[/u][/b] [i]Optional, but just generally a bit of fun[/i] [/hider] [/centre] [centre][hider=Roles within the 7th][i]The 65th Spearhead Division do not rely on the same Regimental structure as the regular Division located within the Gersa Coalition Army. They are, in fact, a mix of two branches, excluding the Navy. Using armoured divisions as firepower, infantry as their main source of attack and supportive machinery to ensure they don't die straight away ensures that they have some level of ability to survive. Certain jobs have limits to who they can pick and the weapons they choose. If you wish to control more than one character, then be my guest.[/i] [b][u]Gersan Army-Based Roles[/u][/b] [i]Riflemen[/i] Half of the entire 65th Spearhead Division, alongside 'Specialists', is made up of this role. Using whatever they were provided with, they are great at laying down ranged and close-up fire. They are the key to engaging infantry, going through urbanised towns and environments and ensuring the 65th are alive and well. They have a balance of firepower and equipment, being used as an 'All-Round' Unit. [i]Specialists[/i] Specialists are slightly less common than Riflemen, but are still the second most common role in the 65th. Making up the 50% of the Division alongside the riflemen, these individuals use Sub-Machine guns as their weapon of choice, and help with suppressive fire. They are most effective in urban areas, but can be widely effective at providing light suppression in Field-Combat. [i]Grenadiers[/i] A sub-division of Riflemen, these individuals are equipped with the same gear, but also come equipped with a few more explosive ordinances. They are known for their infamous 'Rifle-grenade' which can be used to flush out enemies at greater distances than simply throwing them. [i]Machine Gunners[/i] Those who use the Light-Machine guns to suppress and eliminate large groups of hostiles are credited for being powerful assets to the 65th, fitting alongside others with heavy-duty equipment. These are the individuals who, in defensive situations, have control over the M115 Heavy Machine guns, and can be known to hold back entire squads of infantry on their own. [i]Combat Medics[/i] Combat Medics aren't like the regular Medics behind the lines. They are trained to risk their lives in order to save another, with field dressings and first-aid always on themselves. They use slightly shorter-weaponry than regular infantry do, but are still able to fight and join the frontlines. They are usually held slightly further back than regular infantrymen, due to their importance. [i]Combat Engineers[/i] Though less equipped than the standard FOB engineers, they come equipped with the M12 Carbine due to its compact size. They are in-charge of maintaining the artillery trucks, Walkers and ensuring everyone's equipment is still in working condition. [i]Reconnaissance[/i] Reconnaissance units work as regular Riflemen on field, but when there is no combat going on, they are bound to use Horses for their reliability. Using binoculars and regular spotting tactics, they use flares to enhance their communication skills. They can also act as 'Runners', delivering messages across their platoons defences. If a Recon-Specialist's horse has been killed, they hike to continue their work. During combat, their horse is kept behind lines and they serve as regular riflemen. Some reconnaissance specialists can use light-recon vehicles instead of horses, depending on what they were trained to use. [i]Sharpshooters[/i] Sharpshooters are rare amongst the 65th Division. They are equipped with the only marksmen service rifle available and are kept with light equipment. Some criticise them as 'Wimps' due to the idea of them being far from danger and in the fray of combat. It also irritates some riflemen that they carry less equipment, but to sharpshooters it is necessary. Those who work alongside sharpshooters for long enough learn to earn their trust and their usage. Sharpshooters only use sidearms to assist in close combat, and are sometimes necessary to the frontlines despite their job-description. Unlike any other specialists, the Sharpshooters are allowed crude grapple-hooks which compressed gas as ammunition. This allows them to attempt at gaining higher grounds. These aren't reliable, but do provide them with some unique abilities and opportunities. [i]Anti-Armour Infantry[/i] Anti-Armour infantry are the chiefs of damaging motorised and armoured machines that are controlled by the enemy. They use demolition charges and anti-tank rifles, alongside a regular carbine, to deal light and heavy damage to vehicles before Walkers can attack. [i]Incendiary Experts[/i] A far newer addition to the Infantry ranks of the Gersan Army, these individuals are given Flame-throwers to flush out enemies up close. They are not always restricted to carrying the weapon, and can take off the gas-canisters and replace themselves for a carbine rifle, they are depended on when flushing out buildings, factories or just generally protecting the frontlines when enemies get too close. [i]Motorised Infantry[/i] Usually in charge of using the Half-tracks they were provided with, these individuals drive and monitor the progress of their trucks and half-tracks. They carry most of the equipment and injured in their trucks, but when they come to fighting they are shifted to a rifleman. This allows them to be a reserve soldier, a frontline soldier and a driver all at the same time. [i]Armoured Crew - Only two spots available[/i] These individuals are part of a crew of soldiers alike. They use only pistols to their advantage, though some have been blessed with sub-machine guns. They work in walkers. Depending on what walker they work in decides how many individuals they work alongside. [Note - Most crew, if not all, will be NPCs. If you wish to control more than one crew-member, then go ahead.] [/hider] [/centre] [hr] Finally, there are a few basic rules which need to be followed. They aren't much, but they are just to ensure we have some basic order throughout the RP's continuation, and to reduce the risk of arguments within the OOC. [list]* As the GM, and any selected Co-GMs, you must listen to what I have to say. If I wish to change how something happens, or I call you out for doing something unrealistic with justification, then you should be listening to it. Otherwise, I'll try not to interfere with what is needed to be said. * You can have multiple characters if you wish, but for ranks you will have to ask me about. Depending on who the character is, what their role is and how they operate as an individual will help me decide who takes the final 'Corporal' role and other 'Lance Corporal' roles. Otherwise the ranks and unclaimed roles will be filled up by NPCs, like the Platoon Sergeant will. * You must follow the RP-Guild rules, as per usual. * Not every character here is invincible. Try to think of ways in which you can solve issues, or avoid them, within the story by not charging ahead thinking you are some sort of Lawrence of Arabia clone. That shit does not work. * There isn't really any rules against the foul-language that may be said by characters, just as long as it is reasonable and not overly-excessive. It should only be necessary, and not just blind swearing every six seconds the character lives for. [/list] Apart from that, I cannot think of anything else to include. If you have any questions about the Roleplay, or wish to join in, then please mention me in your question. I'll be accepting anyone who wants to join throughout the Roleplay, but as it progresses the gate in which I allow people in will slowly shrink. For those who will hopefully enjoy it, I thank you for reading up on this and assisting me in creating this.