[color=8493ca][center][h3]Rachel Holt[/h3][/center][/color] [color=bc8dbf]"B-buh! I ain't gonna fall for any trap!"[/color] Impon rebutted. [color=8493ca]"Ten bucks says he does."[/color] [color=bc8dbf]"H-hey! We're supposed to be partners here!"[/color] Rachel gave Impmon a small smile, before turning her gaze in the opposite direction. [color=bc8dbf]"Y-you...urgh, and they call [i]me[/i] an imp."[/color] The small purple digimon grumbled to itself as the humans walked to their destination, arriving before Rachel and her usually slow pace. The digimon didn't comment any more, and simply kept to itself as the others went about inspecting the warp point - it had decided non of 'em were worth his time, so he wasn't going to talk to them unless needed. Rachel, on the other hand, looked quite interested at the device in front of her as she watched Yumeko activate it. [color=bc8dbf]"Hmm..."[/color] Well, she wasn't too sure it was safe. This whole thing might be a trap after all. No that was just her wanting to mess with Impmon a bit. Reaching over and grabbing the small digimon while it was looking in the opposite direction. [color=bc8dbf]"What in tar-ack!"[/color] Were the only words it was able to get out before Rachel tossed the digimon right into the warp gate. [color=bc8dbf]"H-hey wait!"[/color] Rachel pressed the button to send him to his destination. A few seconds after letting the digimon sweat a bit and letting Vivian and Candlemon go through if they wanted too, Rachel followed. [hr] Impmon was the second through, stumbling out of the warp point, running right into Yumeko as he tripped over his own feet. [color=bc8dbf]"Argh, that demon woman! She practically tossed me in that gate! Blegh, so much for 'seeming cool'..."[/color] The digimon complained, brushing himself off and getting to his feet. [color=bc8dbf]"And...who're you, lady?"[/color] Impon questioned the new person as Rachel eventually managed to make it through the warp point.