So the emperor had a plan huh? Well, at least that means he wouldn't need to think as hard. After a moment, Janus walked over to a bookcase on the side of the room. So he had it written down. Here's hoping it was a good plan. After shuffling through the books, thr bookcase slid over revealing a hidden passageway. Ohhhh...That's pretty cool. If he ever went home, he was totally going to get one of those. But then came the costs and building procedures came to mind. Aaand there went his interest in it. Snapping back to reality, he saw everybody beginning to leave through the passage. Time to go! The passage led down fairly far. The temperature bagan shifting oddly. Down, then back up, then back down again. Where was this going? Then came the paintings. So many of them! They seemed to be detailing the history of this place. There was a painting detailing a newborn, all the way to an old man decorated in a robe and a crown. As the party was led down the hall even further, a trio of metallic statues guarded a large iron door. They looked like a dungeons and dragons party. They looked like a knight, a wizard of sorts, and then an archer. Before Ysran had a chance to analyze them further, they came to life! Reaching for his blade, as did a couple of others. Before a second had passed, the emperor had raised his hand and stuck out his pendant. The statues stopped, bowed, and then opened the doors. Oh yeah, he was totally going to get one of those. The room they were led to was full of strange oddities. The biggest mystery was an enormous skeleton of some strange creature. Ysran had no clue what it could be. Perhaps it was... A big lizard thing. He'd seen strange things before, but, they were alive. Or at least about as alive as an Eldritch horror could get. Then there was all the shiny stuff, but Ysran showed little interest. Shiny things were usually of no use, and were just to show off. Then Janus asked the question "Shall we begin?" [i][color=662d91]"I'm ready if you are."[/color][/i]