[hider=My hundtress] Name : Jackson Winchester Age : 23 Kin {if related to any cannon character} : Sam Winchester great great great grandfather Personality : A very smart boy much like his great great great grandfather Sam winchester was. But his up brining was rough and hewas often out cast from school and lived on the road often with his rather abusive mother. He finally at the age of fourteen ran away from home. He lived on the streest and alone till Castiel found him and learned under Castiel on how to hunt demons. He often looks up the the angel as a father figure he never had and does deeply care for him. But he is also able to hold grudges against the past meaning Lucifer is in for a shit storm of anger. History : His mother was abusive, his father was never there at the age of fourteen he ran away and was found by castiel who took him and made a hunter out of him. He reminds cas a lot of his great great great grandfather Sam Picture : [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/67ee6c928dcb05a99c35d84ce5e38b97/tumblr_inline_ny1o0c1odB1qj0ox0_540.jpg[/img] [/hider]