Roger nodded to the girl beside Rebeca. He shook the hand offered. Her shake wasn't limp like a fish and actual had a slight grip to it. He noticed the bag on her shoulder. Was she another passenger? Estella smile came easily. While shaking hands with Bea, she raised a slight eyebrow at the quick comment. Interesting. She hadn't even asked. She didn't catch the suspicious look. "That should be fun. Meeting with friends is always a joy." Though English was good, her accent was evident. She was obviously foreign. Could even be from the Prussian Empire. Roger didn't want to get paranoid but it seemed odd that they were leaving for a trip regarding Beatrix's father's work and a foreigner just happened to be on the same ship as them. He picked up the slight suspicion Bea had as well. No doubt she was thinking the same thing. "Well, it was nice meeting you. And seeing you again," he nodded to Rebeca. "But if you excuse, we're going to go catch some breakfast. We want to make sure we get back before your Dad's ready to leave. We don't want to hold him up." He smiled. He waited until Bea and him were a bit away before glancing at her. "You don't trust her either?" He asked. "Do you think she's a threat?" [center] ~ ~ ~ [/center] Estella watched the two leave before looking back at Rebeca. "They seemed nice." She looked toward the ship's doorway. "Uh you might want to go first. I'm terrible at directions and don't remember where to go. When it comes to a building or airship I am very directionally challenged." She laughed, not afraid to admit her weaknesses. Well at least that one. "I usually have to draw up a schematic to find my way around. And even then I think I've been turned around once or twice." Her eyes held the amusement evident on her lips. A small part of her worried that Rebeca didn't take it wrong and immediately think they should find someone else. But she ignored it. It was who she was. Besides, if they were willing to bring in someone who hadn't worked a lot on an airship before than her not being able to find her way around wouldn't be an issue. Unless of course they felt like they were going to have to babysit her - in which case, would not be good. But, they wouldn't have to worry. Too much. She had already mentioned what she did to combat her weakness and a time or two of getting lost probably wouldn't bother them. Well...hopefully wouldn't.