Cora was driving back to the motel after grabbing some burgers {Because castierl was a Burger eating machiene with no stop button} and that Joriel wanted to see the town so she had taken the small angel to the town to get them some food and bring it back for the group. She came back parking the car and unstrapped joriel to the seat belt and let her jump put. She was wondering why there was such a nasty storm brewing and frowned slightly as she had a gun in her hand in case anything unpleasent should be waiting for them. She opeend the door gun raised and just saw Castiel, Gabriel and Jackson standing there and looked confused "hey guys whats up with the storm?" she asked as she placed down the two things of burgers, a bag of candy and some other food for the rest of the group. She then saw what they where staring at and it was a man that was on the couch and frowned. She knew almost insantly and gun raised sharply at the man. "Lucifer" she snapped sharply eyes narrowed. Joriel sensed a great weakness in the great archangel and frowned and ran between the gun and the archangel "No No Cora stop he's no threat he is too weak to pose a threat" she said jumping to sheild Lucifer slightly as she whined slightly. Cora snarled at the young angel and scolwed at castiel "control your appearance Castiel" she grumbled annoyed before lowering the gun but was unpleased. "Need to talk to someone" she said annoyed as she turned and walked outside and away from the motel to the forest doing a small summon that would allow the queen of hell to appear but not leave the circle or have powers as Cora was here for answers not for a fight and nor did she trust the girl enough to let her out and spoke sharply. "Do tell me something demon the hell is the devil doing out of hell?" she asked annoyed she didn't trust Lucifer and she was also unaware of what he was doing at earth in the first place. "Is there not a cage that holds the man?" she demanded angrily she wanted answers and quickly she didn't need Castiel or gabriel catching on she spoke to the queen of hell. Joriel looked at Lucifer and at Castiel and then at gabriel and Jackson. She dared get closer to the weakened archangel and looked at him "he doesn't seem so bad he looks more human than an archangel" she giggled gently as she probably knew Castiel would demand she gets away from the dangerous creature, but she found nothing wrong with him and found him rather funny looking. She giggled and stood a goot from the fallen archangel.