[b] Afghanistan December 20th 1997 8:30 am [/b] [hr] A year had come and gone since Madeline Ward’s deployment in the hot deserted land of Afghanistan. Everyone was calling it a Global War on Terrorism, though it did not feel like a war at all just manslaughter with a cause. The soldiers were tasked with ridding the Taliban from Afghanistan, each one of them having their own cause for being there. The Taliban was led by a man named Mullah Mohammed Omar, who was a Muslim extremist, he was able to take control of Afghanistan using the Taliban. Maddy woke up at the usual time and did her daily routine, she was able to check every medical instrument needed and check their conditions before packing them up carefully in her bag. Her history in Afghanistan is long brutal, but not in a bad way. She is well known for saving lives in high tense combat situations even when there is no hope in saving someone she still gives the person all of the treatment they could possibly need, never considering a lost cause until the pulse is gone. Some more cynical individuals view her actions as a waste of medical equipment and time, but most understand she is trying to make even in hopeless situations still have some light. As she was sorting through her bag inside the outpost she heard someone entering her tent, as she turned around she was greeted with an extremely stern face, it was her commanding officer General Nicholson. She quickly straightened up at attention and placed her arm in salute fashion. [b]“At ease solider. I have orders requesting your immediate departure to the states. Once there you will be briefed further. I know this is sudden but order are orders, we all appreciate your service here.”[/b] The General then hands Maddy a letter that confirms what he previously stated. Maddy did feel guilty abandoning her fellow soldiers but the curiosity of the mysterious orders outweighed the guilt, she was on a flight to the states the very same day. [b]Cupertino, California December 21st 1997 10:00 am[/b] [hr] California was disgustingly hot, Maddy was extremely uncomfortable riding in the back seat of some limo that was dropping her off. Desperately she rolled down the window for some cool air but all it seemed even the wind was hot, she rolled it back up and grimaced and whipped the sweat off her forehead. Serving in Afghanistan for a year would normally make people accustomed to the heat, but for some reason, she never had felt more out of her element. Her clothing probably did not help, she was wearing her [url= https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4f/1e/f3/4f1ef35b4ada8e2c11db351ac5d5dc1a.jpg] formal military jacket [/url], [url= https://img2.etsystatic.com/016/0/5902595/il_fullxfull.453618174_cj2p.jpg] formal cap[/url], [url= https://img1.etsystatic.com/073/0/8723899/il_570xN.813676889_a65a.jpg] formal pants[/url] and of course her normal [url= https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/f5/b2/97/f5b29765cd0c453b2dc5470d6c2cafe3.jpg] undershirt[/url]. Altogether she was burning alive in a cloth prison. As soon as the limo came to a stop Maddy had already opened the door and been stepping out, she quickly made her way to the building and was filled with relief when she felt the cool air conditioning. She slowly made her wait through the many checks that were needed, it did not seem like an American Military building so she started to question how she could have ended up in a place like this. Eventually, she ended up in a room with one other person, he seemed preoccupied when she first entered the room but as soon as he noticed her, he had stopped the paperwork he was doing and waved her over. [b]“Please, come in. Have a seat. You must be Madeline Ward, we have been expecting you for quite a while now. I am sure you have many questions and I will be able to answer as many as I can. Mostly what you need to know is that as of now you will be working for us on a rescue mission of sorts. You see we have sent a few researchers out to an island and now we have not been able to contact them. So we will be needing your help if any of them are injured or worse we would want a professional on the site that will be able to help them get out of whatever situation they are in.”[/b] Maddy was fairly confused as she made her way to the seat in front of the man’s desk, the words seemed to just flow out of his mouth. The more he talked the more confusing the situations seemed to get, she was still confused on how she was pulled out of active service for such a mission. As soon as the quirky man was done speaking, Maddy piped up in her thick British accent: [b]“I’m sorry, I just have a few questions. How would these researchers have been injured? “Well, simply enough the island you will be traveling too has many hazards and we are worried that one of the hazards may have gotten to the team.”[/b] The man’s answer still seemed very vague and odd, but Maddy did not care too much about the events that happened mostly that people were in trouble. [b]“Ok, but why was I chosen for this? And how on earth did my superiors give you permission to take me out of service?” “Well, our business has many connections and it turned out some of your superiors have shared investments with our business. You were specifically chosen because of your performance under high tense situations. Now you will need to excuse me unless you have any more important questions I will be needing to get back to work. You can stay at the hotel we have reserved for you, which the limo will take you too. In approximately two days you will be meeting with the others that will be joining you. We will be giving you more information as the time draws near, we appreciate your help and continue looking forward to your assistance.”[/b] The man waved Maddy out of the room, the interaction happened fast, quick and left Maddy feeling even more lost than when she walked into the building. She had to follow the orders and she was willing to comply, the mission seemed like a simple search and rescue for lost civilians. It would only take a few days, Maddy was more than willing to spare a few in order to save some innocents. [b] Undisclosed Location December 23rd 1997 4:45 pm [/b] [hr] As the limo made its way to the meeting area Maddy proceeded to read over some of the files that were given to her. Specifically, she was looking over the slim files about the men who would be accompanying her. One man seemed fairly young and underqualified to be on the mission, he had an exstensive background in engineering but very little in anything else, seemed more like a handicap than a help to Maddy. The other man thought was quite interesting, a famous hunter and tracker. The presence of this man raised more questions, why would a hunter be on a rescue mission and why would they need such a well-known one such as Mr. Tembo? Soon the limo arrived and the ride to meet her partners was complete. As Maddy stepped out of the limo, the driver sounded his horn maybe as a symbol of her arrival. She made her way to the back of the trunk and threw her [url= http://www.blackhawk.com/getattachment/Products/Tactical-Nylon/Bags-Packs/Medical-Packs/Special-Operations-Medical-Backpack/bh_60mp00de_packs_angler.jpg.aspx?maxsidesize=700]large medical backpack[/url] over her shoulder and grabbed her [url= https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41bXudRnh0L.jpg]military grade duffle bag[/url]. Maddy made sure to dress in an appropriate clothing this time, she had on her [url= https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/2e/96/c6/2e96c676dd671c75fb8e3d4aa86c5efa.jpg] light military jacket [/url], [url= http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/DiMAAOSwiONYQEog/s-l300.jpg] light pants[/url] and a [url=http://www.modsurplus.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/New-British-Army-Surplus-Short-Sleeve-No2-Service-Dress-Uniform-Shirt1.jpg]short sleeve dress shirt [/url]. She was much more prepared, clothing wise than in the prior interaction. She waited outside for the other two men to appear, she greeted them with a friendly smile and an extended hand that was not holding one of her heavy bags. [b]“Hello, my names Madeline Ward, I prefer Maddy though, it is a pleasure to meet you both.”[/b]