He was... Edmund was... No, there was no way that Master Edmund had died. The man who had been slaying beasts for decades, the man whose tales inspired everyone to take up arms, the man who was going to teach them how to be the best Hunters they could be. He wasn't dead, [i]he was not dead![/i] Kael's throat burned from all the screaming and his lungs ached for breath as he sobbed, utterly oblivious to Josephine's entrance to the scene. Death was part of this life, they had been told that early and reminded of it often, yet it did nothing to lessen the impact of this. Their mentor and for all accounts their parent figure had just died before them, because Kael had been stupid enough to think he could strike out on his own. It was his fault. [i]His fault.[/i] Letting himself dry retch the young Hunter lifted his head when Josephine went to the scene of the attack and broke down. What was she on about? She was yelling about Edmund and probably at him, she looked furious. Lifting himself up enough to the point he was on his knees Kael simply looked at her and took her bereavement. What could he say? Nothing, there was absolutely nothing which could be said for this. So Edmund was her father hm? That would probably be a shocking revelation if Kael could feel anything other than utter despair and emptiness. Even as Josephine raised a blade to him he stared up at her speechless, his eyes clouded and his body sagging. His expression almost begged to be killed, to be paid in full for what he'd caused. Even as her face was mere inches from his own he could only sit and stare at the girl whose life he had undoubtedly just ruined. And for what? His pride? A chance to kiss up to their now dead master? Being punched in the shoulder landed him on his rear and he simply sat there and accepted it, slouching down as he hung his head. "Just... Kill me..." he muttered hoarsely, shaking his head as he looked at Josephine, "I deserve it... Use his blade, kill me..." Oh good, footsteps. Perhaps a beast coming to take his head instead. Lifting his gaze and turning around he was baffled to see another hunter present, and when the woman brandished her weapon everything they knew of her came flooding to Kael at once. Lydia, one of the few hunters like Edmund who could call themselves a Master Hunter. Veteran of countless battles and unparalleled in her prowess in combat, just like any other Master. And she was late, too late to make any difference. It was almost funny that help would arrive after everything had already happened, it seemed fitting. That was just the kind of world they lived in wasn't it? Shaking his head he slowly got to his feet and shuffled towards the edge of the bridge, looking down into the darkness below. He should just allow himself to fall, it would make everything so much easier. At the very least Josephine would have closure knowing her father's killer was gone. Sighing somberly Kael stepped forward and had managed to put one foot over the edge of the bridge before someone grabbed him from behind and threw him back. Groaning as he bounced against the brick he remained on the ground and looked to Lydia, frowning when he realized she'd been the one to stop him. Why? Why couldn't he just die? So now he wasn't going to be allowed to die? He'd lost his entire family and questioned why he was left alive, he'd survived when other apprentices had died, and now that he'd caused the death of their beloved mentor he was still denied? He just wanted to be done with all of this, he didn't care anymore. What good was being a Hunter if you were only going to get people killed? That's all he'd ever been any good at. "Just kill me... Please... I don't care how, just do it..." Kael begged as his eyes grew misty again, "I don't deserve to live after this..." How long until he got other apprentices killed? Josephine? Perhaps he was just bad luck and it was better off that he be killed and spare anyone else misfortune. Since Lydia seemed so opposed to killing him however perhaps he could try and convince Josephine? She didn't seem too opposed to it a moment ago. Crawling over to the Chikage he pushed it across the ground to her and collapsed again, smiling as he let out an empty laugh. "Come on... You were going to kill me... Do it..." he begged, forcing himself up to his knees and holding out his arms to his sides, "Take my head... Run me through... Just end it, please..."