Still stood on the steps of Aroesus' temple, the Crimson Queen watched the city's goings-on diligently as she idly cleaned the blood from her blade. In her presence, the vampires and other such creatures had a newfound sense of direction and order, and were now guided purposefully rather than milling about like beasts. A null-herder had the Lady of Loss well distracted as the foolish god darted about like an overstimulated child. A small contingent of ghouls looted the temple behind her, eager to return its riches to Vaslonya. Despite all that was going as planned, she was still somewhat on edge. The final piece of this strategy was not yet in play, and there was nothing she could do to hurry its progress. One of her advisors pulled her aside momentarily, "My lady, I have sensed a considerable spiritual presence within the lake. It is advancing on the western harbor as we speak." That was sooner than expected. The Crimson Queen could not help the tinge of worry in her heart, as their answer to this was still nowhere to be seen. Still, there was nothing she could do but continue to follow the plan. "Send word to the bloodchiefs: they are to evacuate through the south-eastern gate. Have the shamans and nighthawks leave through the north-east. Get the thrall-masters and null-herders to lead their hordes along the walls, but stay clear of the harbor. We'll buy time for their formation to complete." "Yes, my lady." The Crimson Queen stood dutifully, her tremendous blade sunken into the solid stone she stood on. The lesser monsters were willed to congregate toward her, so as to draw the attention of the incoming force. Her personal guard readied themselves; her black knights drew their blades and her dark sorcerers focused their unholy power. Her pet werewolves, both calmed by the scent of blood on the wind, sat obediently at the temple's base. With whatever, followed, things were about to become interesting.