Julian led Madeleine in the opposite direction from the Pulse team. The duo preferred silent coordination to explanations, and together they closed the distance swiftly and silently. Julian had been promised that the infiltration would be smoith sailing, but he couldn't help but feel like the whole situation was a bit more quiet than even he had anticipated. A lone guard stood watch outside the building, staring into the distance and listening to the sounds of battle from a few blocks away, no doubt both jealous of the glory his comrades were experiencing and relievef that his duties kept him far from harm. Julian and Madeleine pressed themselves into the shadows, waiting for something to distract the guard's attention. A moment or two passed, and the guard sighed, shook his head, and began to scout towards the other side of the building. The pair took this chance to cross the street, hoping that night and the distant battle would muffle their footsteps. Julian placed his hand on the door and looked back at Madeleine, awaiting confirmation that she was ready. A nod greeted him, and Julian quietly pulled open the door. Inside the warehouse were stacks and stacks of unlabeled wooden crates. Out of curiosity, Julian lifted the lid on one, but it appeared to contain nothing but straw. The crates were stacked a dozen feet high in most places, and formed rows that led to the back wall about 50 feet away. The back wall appeared to be newly constructed of sheetrock, while the sides and roof had corrugated metal sheathing and exposed steel joists. To even a casual observer, it was fairly obvious that there was something more hidden behind that wall. More important was that the warehouse appeared empty, as far as Julian could see. He and Madeleine rounded a corner and nearly collided with Noir and his group. "This is too damn easy," Julian muttered, a note of concern on his voice. No sooner than the words escaped his mouth, klaxons began to sound, the piercing noise filling the air. A handful of crates nearby explosed open, and [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/f/f0/Zwerg_Scandroid_FFXIII.png/revision/latest?cb=20140221153528]scandroids[/url] and [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/c/ce/FFXIII_enemy_PSICOM_Enforcer.png/revision/latest?cb=20140221145722]PSICOM soldiers[/url] burst out, cutting off the exits. "Pulse infiltrators! Apprehend them!" One of the soldiers called out as bullets began flying. "Protect the package!" "Time to start running!" Julian called out as he turned and began racing for the back wall. He darted between crates, doing his best to break lines pf sight from the soldiers and hoping the others could keep up. Once he reached the back wall, a doorway that was previously concealed by a stack of crates came into view. Julian fumbled in his pocket for a moment and retrieved an ID card, which he then hastily swiped into the security panel next to the door. A loud click sounded, and he threw open the door, holding it open for those behind him. This was the first time Julian had gotten a chance to turn around and check on the others. Nadia and Nyxia were hot on his heels, with Noir a few steps behind. Riya was nowhere to be seen, and Madeleine was limping along in the distance. "Hurry!" Julian called out aa a bullet ricocheted off the door jamb. Suddenly, a stack of crates exploded as a [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/a/a3/FFXIII_enemy_Alpha_Behemoth.png/revision/latest?cb=20140220213835]behemoth[/url] swiped them aside, blocking Madeleine's path and glaring at Julian. The others had made it inside, and there was no time. Julian locked his gaze with Madeleine's and saw her whisper the word "go." He nodded as the behemoth began to charge and closed the door just moments before the whole building shuddered with a thud. Muffled screams from the girls could be heard, and a soldier spoke up, stating that there were no other exits. A few soldiers tried the door, but it wouldn't budge. Another voice called for a batterimg ram, and footsteps could be heard runming away from the door. The chaos ensuing outside the door was juxtaposed with an eery silence emanating from within. More than silence: the air in front of them seemed to nearly devour sound, their labored breathing and heartbeats silently echoing through the space like an intruder. Before them, a [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/8/86/Shemhazai.jpg/revision/latest/thumbnail-down/width/732/height/571?cb=20140402193102]vaguely feminime mechanical form[/url] stood, bound in chains. It peered at the group, and a voice echoed in each person's mind, neither masculine nor feminine, but somehow both. [color=ed145b]"In vainglory we arose, shouting challenges at the Gods. But prevail we did not. Our doom it is to walk the Chaos until time's end. I am Shemhazai, the Whisperer."[/color] A flash of light and thunder rolled as time seemed to stand still. Images of powerful figures flashed through each person's mind, interspersed with glyphs that held no meaning. When the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2ee1x0PwDA]vision[/url] faded, strength seemed to fill each person, and a burning sensation drew each individual's attention to a spot on their body. It was there that the mark of the fal'Cie appeared. [Center][img]http://i.imgur.com/eqCIIBX.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1]Chapter One: Escape from Bresha[/h1][/center]