After cleaning herself up, Venelope walked back out into the front of the store. Her little sister was standing in the middle of the small room, and she wasn't even ready to greet the day. The little girl was still in her PJ's, and her hair was an absolute mess. "Morning" Tiffany said through a deep yawn. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes with her overly long sleeves. The other hand was waving back and fourth behind her to magically summon her clothes: a light green summer dress, a pair of matching shoes, and her favorite witch hat. Venelope looked at her sister with a hard stare. "Tiffy, I know we don't get a lot of business, but you should have been up an hour ago". Venelope watched in envy as the young witch used her magic to float a brush over to fix her mess of hair. Tiffany had always been more magically gifted than her, and when she voiced her complaints with mom, she just said her magic would come eventually. "Sis, I want to run the shop today!" The little witch interupted her train of thought. "W-Don't change the subject on me, missy! You need to learn proper work etiquette while you're still young so that it will stick with you". Of course at this point Tiff completely tuned her out. The younger sibling was now dressed up and properly groomed. "Now sis, you've been working youself to the bone lately. I just want to give you a break from all this so you can enjoy a nice day off" Tiffany ran up to her sister and lept onto her legs to hug her. "I can look after the shop while you're gone. Pumpkin can help too. Won't you pleeeease take the day off?" She looked up at Venelope and gave her a puppy dog pout. The elder sister could feel her heart ache. She hated it when she did this. One of these days she would stand up for herself and tell Tiffy was not that day. Her glasses slipped down a little "W-Well...I suppose there'd be no harm in taking some time off from work. But if something happens, tell me immediately" she told her sister while pushing her glasses up. "Okay?" "Yay!" Tiffy cheered as she ran off to brush her teeth. ---------------------- Venelope was putting a few paint brushes and paint tubes inside a small leather brown bag with stretchy yellow arms. Then, she pulled out a large white canvas and pushed it into the bag as well, the item morphing into a smaller shape until it was completely in the bag. After she did the same with an easel, the bag closed itsel and jumped noted her back. It's yellow appendages wrapped around her arms and clung to her like a backpack. "Okay Tiffy, I'm off! Keep a good eye on the shop. And please come get me if something bad happens!" After a quick goodbye, she left the store and walked through the marketplace. She hasn't painted in a while, so this would be exciting.