[center][h1][Color=F48CA7]Josephine Clark[/color][/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/76/5c/2a/765c2abcef8b4da1a298b022a7c39db8.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][Color=F48CA7]Location:[/color] Grand Continental Hotel[/center][hr] Josephine had to give it to Haakon, even in the face of threats he remained steadfast. Well, as steadfast as the guy could be. [color=F48CA7]"I agree, darling. I was under the impression the English were supposed to be prim, proper, and polite and so far, the only ones I've met have been nothing of the sort. The only one I can see myself liking is that museum lady. What was her name....Mira?"[/color] She waved her hand, [color=F48CA7]"Well be that as it may, she seems like a smart woman. She just needs to let her feelings show. For that matter, the lot of them could do well to take whatever stick is making a home in their rears and live a little. I have a feeling this adventure will be just the thing they need. The thing we all need really. That portly man was right. It seems we are all connected to this."[/color] She sighed a little. It didn't seem like she would be getting that smoke anytime soon. Four minutes to prepare and she still wanted to stop at her room. [color=F48CA7]"I really did want to stop by my room in my hotel, but that doesn't seem to be happening. Luckily I have some of the essentials with me. Ah well, let's be off them, darling. Adventure awaits!"[/color] Ever the diva, Josephine makes her way out of the room, only to stop outside. After all, they were heading to Haakon's room and she didn't really know where that is.