Urgh! So, [i]so[/i] sorry for the wait. Things got busy longer than anticipated, and now I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing on here again. Need something to jump-start the creative juices! A while back, I saw a song put to a compilation of Ladybug and Cat Noir. Read some of the comments to find out what it was from, then ended up stumbling on it on Netflix. Got the pin from Hot Topic. Well, I [i]always[/i] have ideas, but I have confidence in that glorious brain of yours. :-) If you get stuck or anything, though, let me know! We can put our heads together. Heh, yes. You [i]have[/i] to like the Cheshire cat. I do remember them doing something like that in the Disney movie as well. Alas, I’ve been too busy to do much reading these last few weeks. I enjoy the first one of Burton’s. It’s been a while since I’ve watched it, though. I liked the premise of the second, but was rather unimpressed with the way they went about it. Ha! That’s special about your sister probably being afraid of his movies. I swear. Since we started this, I keep seeing [i]Alice in Wonderland[/i] stuff everywhere. Wonder if I just never noticed its popularity before, or if the world decided it was time to start throwing that theme at me. Like lemons. Only lemons usually hurt more. No worries. I can see where it could be easy to just keep going in your narrating style. Just wasn’t sure if you knew that or not. You’re welcome! The pains of writing or reading [i]anything[/i] with food or drinks in it.