[@Delta44] Arden didn't volunteer he simply acted. Consumed by the guise he had since built for himself, the intoxicating and unfamiliar feeling of stature and importance overwhelmed him and drove him forward. His lies had managed not only to deceive the others but to deceive himself as well. With a stagger in his step he strode up to the teacher, ignoring the movements or actions of his peers and reached for the magical key like it was a mundane everyday utensil. [i]"let's get this over with ay."[/i] Despite all the arrogant confidence from the character he was pretending to be, Arden couldn't control his hand as it shook with excited nerves of anticipation, fear and curious wonder as he reached to take the key and place it in the lock. With his heart beating hard, holding his breath and closing his eyes he waited for that defining click of the locking mechanism to tell him it was over.