[hider=Roland James Darwin] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f1/Horace_Darwin.jpg[/img] Name: Roland James Darwin (Tenuous relation to Charles Darwin) Gender: Male Arms: Amoung other things, Roland uses a Canadian-made [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Browning_Hi-Power]Browning Hi-Power[/url], bought for him by his father, as well as a commissioned [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jungle_Carbine]Rifle No. 5 MK.1[/url], as well as a cavalry sabre, as is traditional for commissioned officers within the British Empire’s army. Personality: To say that Roland has a slight superiority complex would be saying that a bullet to the head would hurt a little bit. The name Darwin carries a significant amount of weight in the Empire, and the fact that he’s actually related to the man himself adds even more weight onto the already hefty burden. He’s an arrogant, aggressive and boisterous bastard who firmly believes himself to be the best man in the regiment- nay all of the cavalry, but you don’t become a commissioned officer if they don’t see anything in you. History: Anyone with the name Darwin tends to have a rather good life, and Roland is no exception. Born to a wealthy family, he had an excellent education, and is highly literate and intelligent. Minor genetic modification left him with an increased muscle mass and propensity for violence, so nobody was surprised when he entered the military, although when they found that he had managed to pass the tests for acceptance into Sandhurst, a few jaws were dropped. Talents: Roland is really dammed good at fighting. He has an intuitive relationship with his mount and has absolutely no qualms about killing a man. He leads from the front and is remarkably good at countering a rout or retreat, even if it requires a few gunshots and spittle. [/hider] [hider=Otto von Sturm] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f5/66/fd/f566fd8bfd0ea9a8384aaa067ff4cfa0.jpg[/img] Name: Otto von Sturm (Not his actual surname, but nobody’s seen his files.) Gender Male Arms: An SS Commissar has a lot of leeway when it comes to weaponry, and in the case of Otto, this involves the brand new Sturmgewehr 40, and the [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luger_pistol] Luger Pistole Parabellum[/url]. When In his MIA suit, he instead has a tesla barrage gun, which uses incredibly high voltages to send out a burst of electricity that can be ‘chained’ between targets that conduct the electricity. It is highly effective against infantry and light armour alike, and can cause some engines to combust. He also has a small wrist mounted flamethrower for emergency situations, or situations where he just wants to burn something. Personality: Otto is the textbook definition of a commissar. He preaches with zeal on and off the field of battle, has no concern for his safety, only that the aims of the Reich are achieved, and that he can convert any and every prisoner that is somehow left after the Nazi rampage to the view of the German Empire. History: Whilst nobody in the battalion knows exactly where Otto comes from, it’s for a good reason. The commissar had a humble beginning, the son of a butcher and a washerwoman, and hates his heritage for it’s mediocracy. He joined the German army midway through WWI and his particular talents were quickly found to be highly appropriate for commissar training. He’s never looked back from there. Talents: Otto is one hell of an orator. His voice can always be heard, be it in the middle of a battlefield or in a mess hall, and always knows the right words to say to say. He’s also an excellent shot with rifle or tesla battery, and his unflinching devotion to the cause leaves him unafraid of death. [/hider] [hider=Father Jaques] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/cc/f7/bc/ccf7bc7e61abbaf516cb2ccd148e21e4.jpg[/img] (In white) Name : Father Jaques Berger, or just Father. Gender: Male Arms: Father Jaques uses a [url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_pistol]Ruby pistol[/url] from his days in the trenches, along with an outdated Infanterie Anti-Armure Mk. I. Unlike it's modern cousin, the MK I has a lot more bang in one rocket, but is slow to reload and only holds a single shot, and is incredibly heavy to boot. Personality: The good Father lives up to his name, taking the spiritual and emotional health of his men as his singular purpose- he figures that God will help them with their physical health. He's always pitching in with the rest of the men if he can, and is as zealous on the field as any of them, especially when he gets to blow up some fancy German armour with his launcher. History: Father Jaques is a man who can survive. He lived through the hell of the trenches, and was there when the French found their religious spirit once more. When the Catholic Revolution swept the nation, he was there alongside his fellow priests, preaching and practising his aim for the next war, and now that that one has rolled around, he's prepared to fight the kraut bastards again. That being said, in between the wars, he was busy. He has three children, one who's joining him in the Parisian 305th, and one who already has a child of his own, and he's not always considered to be the best of fighters any more. [/hider]