[hider=Heinz Edelmann(Germany] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/090hrhmJXntsqBB7shFR9fNwT3s1aYXLY7bh2Gj44cp2O3MyNNM9K1h5UXAI9eX7LzQ6ZOXqSLJwlWwrOwlsIxB9bN6rWDfD3iVDeFQUnqaGf-C2UEnIBUQvkzpfPk1dFQpFqqu-pMTytJi0HA2OPeAFdZ5t1JpbuLjlO8o6WcJMByM9d7s35dlTKZkbQxB54NEKBwwa1CYs5nkSP2SWe_RN1or0yKxsbeyipPgb4YryBFkm4y4nf4AiMbsjHdRd4n_trwOVsX7Ku_4c0tD-aG6TEO5c9qa3lwIQhsV1bERqHk1ZQbHBAGVby-Nk5jTevRWu2NBa_Lfww7KfxmO0tDGtXU4MweHXFBErBhhH1Sgp6VqaatdVYaGkiXjum9zCOhpELNIGddixPoqbH2zgD2_lYdH41geaACJaREt2B8CbsDvMJj6LdObFnGrAV58-CpXIqoOm0nQmyi0tmkRCcLKviCwjTMrO6dif7zF9SQZLXLPCLDYhTs6nyzn2w-G-lUaohRU-9WhVFkr10wwe01lZ7V3z5LQYOkCBjChgju8G5cQO3KHDQxCNoog6dw5qq7ygVU2X=w1366-h580[/img] Name: Heinz Edelmann Gender: Male Arms: Heinz carries a gauss rifle on the right arm of his MIA suit, with the name "Gungnir" painted along its length, on the opposing arm, a grenade launcher with the name "Mjölnir" painted on it. On the armor of his suit he has various German battle cries painted on, such as "Gott Mit Uns", or "Deutschland Uber Alles", as well as the Iron Cross of the Heer. Under his armor, in case of emergency, he carries a holster with a [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walther_P38]Walther P38[/url] and two magazines, as well as the one inside the gun. He wears the standard uniform for MIA troops as well. Personality: Heinz considers himself akin to the old Norse warriors of the viking age, seeking to claim glory and honor for the Fatherland, and if he dies, to die in glorious battle so that he may take his place in the halls of Odin at Valhalla. He's a loud, boisterous individual, not afraid to make jokes or snarky comments, and ready to lay down his life for what he believes is right. History: Heinz was born in Bavaria in the 1920s, to a shopkeep father and an aging mother. He attended school for most of his childhood, with his father able to afford a full education for his son. He would graduate from school an adult, and when Hitler and his regime began calling for soldiers, Heinz was infatuated with the concept of serving his country, doing what he felt was right. He joined up almost immediately, and when the time came for war, he was ready for battle. Talents: For someone wearing a power armor suit into battle, Heinz relies more on marksmanship than brute strength and firepower. He can place the shots from his gauss rifle at well over 1000 yards, and can accurately use his grenade launcher closer to a mortar, providing low-level artillery fire onto the opposing lines. [/hider] [hider=Edward Williams(British)] [img]http://battlefieldsww2.50megs.com/53welshRASC02.JPG[/img] Name: Edward Williams Gender: Male Arms: He prefers a [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jungle_Carbine]Lee-Enfield No.5 Mk I "jungle" carbine[/url], for its light weight and design. He also carries an [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enfield_No._2]Enfield No.2[/url] revolver as a sidearm, and as a personal preference as a member of the cavalry, he carries a saber passed down through his family, well-cared for and ready for use. He wears the standard uniform for the British Riders, though often with the sleeves rolled up. Personality: Edward likens himself to the noble cavalry officers of his family's past, though he himself doesn't hold an officer's commission. He regularly talks in mannerisms befitting the wars of old, with an officer's gait and speaking tone. He meticulously cleans and sharpens his family saber, keeping it ready for use at any time. History: The son of minor nobility, Edward was raised by a family of cavalry officers, inheriting his grandfather's saber. His education was not lacking, and he learned plenty of both the knowledge of the world, and of his family heritage. When the war came, his parents used their pull to get him placed specifically in the British Riders, rather than be tossed away as an infantryman. Talents: Edward is an expert rider, able to deftly maneuver even the genetically-altered beasts of the British Riders, and easily fight off of their backs with both his guns and his sabers. [/hider] [hider=Edgar Levett(France)] [img]http://www.peachmountain.com/5star/images/French_Battlefields/FrenchSoldier_RThibault_11.jpg[/img] Name: Edgar Levett Gender: Male Arms: He carries the French [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebel_Model_1886_rifle]Lebel 1886 rifle[/url], as well as a [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAB_Model_D_pistol]MAB Model D, Type I pistol.[/url] The rifle bears the phrase "Viva La France" inscribed along the left side, and "Ce fusil tue les Allemands" on the right. He wears the standard uniform of the French infantry for the time period. Personality: Edgar despises the Germans, seeing them as good-for-nothing upstarts that tried to ruin his country once, and he believes, won't hesitate to do so again. He revels in fighting the German forces, stopping at nothing until every last Kraut in sight has fallen. History: Edgar is an older man, 36 at the time of the German invasion of Belgium. He originally fought in the Great War, lying about his age when he was fifteen, enlisting in the last year of the war, and seeing combat during the final push by the Allied forces. Seeing the destruction and hell wrought by the German invasion, he knew that they were to be his bitter enemy for all time. After the war, he continued to serve in the military as a peacetime member, seeing trips to various colonial holdings, before being brought into the 305th for service in Belgium. Talents: Edgar has excellent endurance, resisting combat fatigue for up to days sometimes, always willing and able to fight even with little-to-no sleep. His mental will is also strong, with fear or terror having little effect on his mental state. He pushes on to the very end, and it certainly shows to others. [/hider]