I am one with the hype and the hype is with me xDD *bounces around in circles* ...okay yeah I had too much caffeine too haha I shall get working on the planet pages, and I can do the Act II interlude if you like? C: Oh God the latest stuff for SWTOR yeah is a bit...bleeeh >_< at the risk of tooting my own horn a bit, our plots are much better hahaha xD I wouldn't know how to go about it per se but it sure would be a cool thing to try and do, especially if we actually manage to...imagine that! o.o haha EDIT: Sooooo....I was going to hand-draw the planets myself BUUUUTTTTT I was concerned about not having the adequate Photoshop skills to make them look suitably...well, planet-y XD Because making art 3D is hard o.o BUUUUUUUTTTT then I found [url=http://planetmaker.wthr.us/#]this[/url] thing on a whim trawling the internet trying to figure out how to solve that problem and just *MUCH EXCITED SHRIEKING* LOOK AT HOW COOL IT CAN MAKE THEM LOOK!!! O_O The interface is kinda slow and a bit buggy ish (although that COULD just be this computer I'm using in all honesty... XD) but maaaaann is this thing fun to play with! Can we make up some more planets just so I can play with it some more? HAHAHA okay I'm kidding there, but seriously it was fun XD The first two were before I figured out how to put the stars in the background to actually make it look like it was in space (oops!), but I did try and render Nuncata in the background for the first two since it was kinda meant to be a moon around Zinuthra right? o.o Then the last three I figured out how to do the star thing, but forgot the texture/settings I used to make the first two look so good (oops again! ^^;), and we also lost Nuncata because....it somehow decided to float its orbit faaaaar away from Zinuthra while I was trying to get a good angle for the screenshots and I can't find it anymore *gigglesnorts* XD tbh I think the textures on the first two look a bit better than the other three despite the fact they're floating in a black hole? XD Anyway, I tried five, so let me know whether you think it works as a representation of Zinuthra and which colour scheme suits it best? =D [hider=Zinuthra V1] [img]https://s1.postimg.org/5x9dyfugf/Zinuthra_V1.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Zinuthra V2] [img]https://s29.postimg.org/uh4tvkssn/Zinuthra_V2.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Zinuthra V3] [img]https://s1.postimg.org/jcthzc00v/Zinuthra_V3.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Zinuthra V4] [img]https://s15.postimg.org/k42508rnv/Zinuthra_V4.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Zinuthra V5] [img]https://s14.postimg.org/4malvkrq9/Zinuthra_V5.jpg[/img] [/hider] Did one of Chuffon Prime too, but not sure if it looks much like ice really? Might have to try that one again haha XD [hider=Chuffon Prime...maybe? o.o] [img]https://s27.postimg.org/680v2ch4z/Chuffon_Prime_V1.jpg[/img] [/hider]