Was there something in her greeting that prompted Orion to go over things that she already knew? For a moment, Arara was just a little curious as to why he would review mission objectives. He may have been saying this to confirm with her whether his information was correct, but his tone was too self-assured to imply such. In the end, she chose to say nothing, lamenting once more on the irregular speech patterns of the commoners. She should get a notepad some time, to write those things down. Turning on the WATCH, Arara placed it against her wrist just long enough to have it registered to her, and then removed it. No point in scanning her Heavenwrath, because there was no need for the machine to read anything. No point in checking it to see her Aura levels, because she already had a feel for her own levels anyways. Really, the most useful thing that the WATCH might be used for was the map, and for such an expensive device to be used as a GPS...it was sorta funny. Allowing it to link up with Orion's own WATCH, officially signalling that to two were now partners, Arara reciprocated his smile. [b]“I'm not very radical when it comes to clothing brands,”[/b] she said, following along, [b]“But if you're going out to a date or a party, I'll be glad to lend my expertise and wardrobe to you.”[/b] She refrained from taking out her credit card and spinning it this time. Looking back down at her WATCH as it began to blink, the display revealing that the pair became 'Team NOVA', the girl nodded once. If it was like old times, their other partners would have N and V in their first name, but from what she had heard in recent years, those traditions had gone. It must have been too much trouble, making a word out of the first letters of a four-man team's names. She looked at it once, and then placed the WATCH in one of her pockets again. She followed Orion's words, directing her gaze towards Lake Listless. A glimmer catching her eye, Arara narrowed them, focusing on the silver orb that was conveniently floating upon a piece of driftwood. Before she could retrieve it though, it fell into the water, sinking at an abnormal rate. Arara clicked her tongue in disapproval, before taking out her WATCH and bringing up the map once more. Inconveniently enough, the orb had sank onto the lakebed, and even though there seemed to be many tunnels leading to the bottom of the lake, they didn't look promising. Were they tunnels that lead to underground coves? Or were they tunnels that just happened to be below or near the lakebed? She didn't want to take the risk of getting flooded while underwater, after all. It was really annoying, actually, how she didn't have enough people to simply drive a vertical shaft all the way to the bottom of the lake with her Aura. Her kingdom needs to expand. [b]“Seems like we found our cache, Orion.”[/b] Rotating her wrists clockwise, and then counterclockwise, she looked out that the lake once more and said,[b] “I would like very much to just get this done with, but would you rather take the direct route of fishing the cache out of the lake, or going down an underground network and finding another access point to the lakebed?”[/b] Of course, the direct way would be preferrable, because Arara could just use Heavenwrath's independent-movement function to dive underwater and lift up the orb, but they were partners now. She would give him the benefit of the doubt and let him decide on the best course of action.