[img]http://i66.tinypic.com/2nib5sg.jpg[/img] [u][b]Kazume: Quick View[/b][/u] Digimon RP Sarcastic, often says things out of frustration, has been known to hurt feelings without intending to An incredibly loyal friend who would defend his loved ones to the end Interested in map-making and oddly skilled in lock-picking [hider=FULL BIO] Name: Kazume Age: 21 Gender: male Nationality: half Japanese, half Canadian Inventory: Headphones, Mp3 player, notebook (pen included), oversized jacket, wallet (with identification and credit cards), cellphone, small wallet-sized booklet of photos including his mother, father and twin brother. Skills: Kazume is an avid hiker and enjoys both sketching and writing while he hikes (often for hours), he finds himself mapping his routes quite precisely. He is keenly adept at both foraging signatures and lock-picking. Both skills comes from a shady past he has decidedly left behind. Personality: Kazume is a quiet individual. He prefers to observe others before jumping into a conversation and this makes him appear cold or standoffish. He is genuinely interested in what others have to say and while he doesn't tend to articulate it, he believes everyone should have their voice heard. Kazume can be quick tempered and is easily frustrated in some situations. He is a traditional introvert and enjoys his time alone. Once he is more comfortable with people he typically resorts to snarky comments and can seem uncouth, or even argumentative though it's very likely that he's typically just being playful. Digimon Partner(s): Beelzebumon [hider=Other possible digimon of interest...] Astamon, BlackGabumon, BlueMeramon, Cyberdramon, DarkTyrannomon, DeathMeramon, DeviDramon, Gazimon, LadyDevimon, NeoDevimon, NeoVamdemon, Pidmon, Pinamon, Psychemon, Tukaimon, V-Dramon, Venusmon [/hider] [/hider]