She visibly held back a giggle after hearing his version of a chuckle. "You kinda sound like a cat, I'm sorry." She added with a small grin. Anna had looked up in slight awe of his wings and nodded, the message bein loud and clear. "Yeah. I can guarantee you didn't really have much of a... Wait! Does this mean Unicorns exist?!" Her eyes widened and a wonder-filled grin grew onto her face. "Oh!!!! That would be awesome!!!!" She paused in her thoughts when Cin made another noise and nuzzled her hand. "You're too kind, for a humongous lizard." She joked again before taking a step back and look him over properly, now that she wasn't worrying for her or his own life. "Really explains a lot. Your body was always way too warm to be human!" She smiled fondly. "I...I'm gonna tell you my own secret then. You don't have to be in agreement with it, I won't out you no matter what, alright? I jut would prefer ya to be human...unless you'll come back naked. In which case, please stay a lizard."