The young princess' father smiled as he slowly stood when the two men entered, waiting for them to introduce themselves before he spoke. "Hello, I'd like to welcome you both to the Kingdom of Thydyatha! My name is Damon, this is my older brother Demitri, I'm afraid my daughter - the princess, Alison is off wandering somewhere and should be joining us any moment. However, it is a pleasure to meet you both." He spoke, his voice deep yet hints of weakness popped up every few words. Whatever he was ill with was still putting up a fight no matter the herbs he tried, his brother - Demitri merely rolled his eyes, clearly not pleased that his brother allowed his daughter to wander around on her own free will wherever she pleased to go. He always told his younger brother that he gave the girl too much freedom, trying to point out that he should be allowing her to choose who she married.